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Dr Rohini Ramadas

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Rohini Ramadas

Assistant Professor

Office: C219
Phone: +44 (0)24 76XX XXXX


Teaching Responsibilities 2021/22: MA4A5 Algebraic Geometry (Autumn)

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry (combinatorics of moduli spaces), dynamics (algebraic and complex), tropical geometry

Most relevant recent publications:

With Rob Silversmith: "Two-dimensional cycle classes on M_{0,n}-bar". Mathematische Zeitschrift 2022; available at opens in a new window.

"Pullbacks of kappa classes on M_{0,n}-bar". Proceedings of the AMS, available at opens in a new window.

"Algebraic stability of meromorphic maps descended from Thurston's pullback map." Transactions of the AMS, 2020; available at Arxiv:1904.08000Link opens in a new window.

With Nguyen-Bac Dang: "Dynamical invariants of monomial correspondences". Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2020; available at opens in a new window.

"Dynamical degrees of Hurwitz correspondences." Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2019. Available at ArXiv:1602.02846Link opens in a new window.

"Hurwitz correspondences on compactifications of M_{0,n}." Advances in Mathematics, 2018. Available at ArXiv:1510.07277Link opens in a new window.

Recent awards & prizes: NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017-2021

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