Elena Zamaraeva
I am a 4th year PhD student at the University of Warwick, supervised by Vadim Lozin.
Research Interests
My research interests are in combinatorics and graph theory. I am currently focused on combinatorial properties of threshold and monotone Boolean functions.
Zamaraeva, E, On teaching sets of k-threshold functions, Information and Computation 251, (2016) 301-313.
Zamaraeva, E, On teaching sets for 2-threshold functions of two variables, Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 11(1), (2017) 130-144.
Lozin, V, Razgon, I, Zamaraev, V, Zamaraeva, E, Zolotykh, N, Y, Specifying a positive threshold function via extremal points, Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) (2017).
Lozin, V, Razgon, I, Zamaraev, V, Zamaraeva, E, Zolotykh, N, Y, Linear read-once and related Boolean functions, Discrete Applied Mathematics 250, (2018) 16-27