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MiR@W: Nonlinear Systems Today

3 December 2018

Organisers: Robert MacKay, Barbel Finkenstadt Rand

32 years ago, David Rand and Robert MacKay created the Nonlinear Systems Laboratory in the Mathematics Institute at the University of Warwick. Today’s meeting surveys where the subject has reached.

All talks in B3.02, Zeeman building

12.15-13.00 Buffet lunch in Mathematics common room

13.05-13.10 Welcome and Introduction (MacKay)

13.10-13.45 Claude Baesens (Warwick) Simplest bifurcation diagrams for vector fields on a torus

13.50-14.25 Julian Pietsch (Edinburgh) Measuring the intracellular organisation of extracellular information

14.30-15.05 Christian Beck (Queen Mary University of London) Stochastic properties of power grid dynamics

15.10-15.40 Tea in Mathematics common room

15.40-16.15 Mirela Domijan (Liverpool) Some recent developments in modelling of circadian rhythms

16.20-16.55 Peter Krusche (Novartis) Genes, cells and data: Models and methods for challenging questions in biology and healthcare

17.00-17.35 Ben Mestel (Open University) Can price be an effective regulator of a power system? A differential-equation modelling approach

17.40-18.30 Drinks and nibbles in Mathematics common room