Mathematics Colloquium 2010-11
Organisers: Volker Betz ( and Brian Bowditch
Additional colloquia, titles and abstracts will be added as details become available.
Colloquia take place on Friday afternoons at 4.00pm, Lecture Room B3.02 in the Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building. They are directed towards a general mathematical audience. In particular, one the functions of these Colloquia is to inform non-specialists and graduate students about recent trends, ideas and results in some area of mathematics, or a closely related field.
Summer Term 2010/11
- 6 May 2011 Balazs Szegedy (Toronto) Higher order Fourier analysis
- 13 May 2011 Alexander Volberg (Michigan) Sharp estimate of singular integrals with and without stochastic optimal control
- 20 May 2011 Colm Connaughton (Warwick) Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of cluster-cluster aggregation
- 3 June 2011 Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA) Mathematics of Crime
- 10 June 2011 Mark Fricker (Oxford) Biologically-inspired rules for adaptive network design
- 17 June 2011 Erwin Bolthausen (Zürich) Asymmetric weakly self-avoiding random walks
Spring Term 2010/11
- 14 January 2011 John Greenlees (Sheffield) Hasse Squares from Algebra, Topology and Geometry
- 21 January 2011 Diane Maclagan (Warwick) Tropical Geometry
- 28 January 2011 [Room B3.03] Konrad Polthier (Berlin) Branched Covering Surfaces for Surface Modeling
- 4 February 2011 Edriss S. Titi (Irvine) On the Question of Global Regularity for Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations and Relevant Geophysical Models
- 11 February 2011 Herbert Spohn (TU Munich) The one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation and its universality class
- 18 February 2011 Michael Farber (Durham) Stochastic Algebraic Topology
- 25 February 2011 Felix Otto (Leipzig) Pattern Formation and Partial Differential Equations
- 4 March 2011 Frances Kirwan (Oxford) Symplectic Implosion
- 11 March 2011 Richard Sharp (Manchester) Distortion and Entropy for Automorphisms of Free Groups
- 18 March 2011 TBA
Autumn Term 2010/11
- 8 October 2010 Yuri Latushkin (Missouri) The Birman-Schwinger Operators and the Evans Function in Stability of Traveling Waves
- 15 October 2010 Jean-Michel Bismut (Paris) The Hypoelliptic Laplacian
- 22 October 2010 Jeff Webb (Glasgow) Positive Linear Operators and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
- 29 October 2010 Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge) The black hole stability problem in general relativity
- 5 November 2010 Geoffrey Grimmett (Cambridge) Random embeddings
- 12 November 2010 Keith Ball (UCL) The 'Second Law' of Probability; Entropy Growth in the Central Limit Theorem
- 19 November 2010 Peter Mörters (Bath) Random Networks with Concave Preferential Attachment
- 26 November 2010 Peter Markowich (Cambridge) On Wigner and Bohmian Measures
- 3 December 2010 Marianna Csornyei (UCL) Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions, Structure of Null Sets, and Other Problems
- 10 December 2010 Nigel Boston (Madison) Fermat, Galois Representations and Belgian Chocolate