Mathematics Colloquium 2017-18
Organisers: Claude Baesens and Brian Bowditch
Additional colloquia, titles and abstracts will be added as details become available.
Colloquia take place on Friday afternoons at 4.00pm, Lecture Room B3.02 in the Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building (and are nearly always followed by wine and cheese in the Mathematics Common Room). They are directed towards a general mathematical audience. In particular, one of the functions of these Colloquia is to inform non-specialists and graduate students about recent trends, ideas and results in some area of mathematics, or a closely related field.
Autumn Term 2017/18
- MONDAY 2 October 2017 (4pm, B3:03): Hinke Osinga (Auckland) Shaken but not stirred: using mathematics in earthquakes
- 06 October 2017: Mathias Schacht (Hamburg) Extremal problems for uniformly dense hypergraphs
- 13 October 2017: Beth Wingate (Exeter) The story of mathematics and weather/climate prediction: Triumphs of the past & challenges for the oncoming era of exascale computing
- 20 October 2017: Anibal Rodriguez-Bernal (Madrid Complutense) Reaction diffusion equations in R^N, function spaces and asymptotic behavior
- 27 October 2017: Special "Impact Colloquium" (joint Maths and Stats)
- 03 November 2017: Weiyi Zhang (Warwick) From smooth to almost complex
- 10 November 2017: Bertrand Rémy (Ecole Polytechnique) On some non-linear (and simple) groups acting on exotic buildings
- 17 November 2017: Kate Smith-Miles (Melbourne) Optimization in the Darkness of Uncertainty: when you don't know what you don't know, and what you do know isn't much!
- 24 November 2017: Ulrike Tillmann (Oxford) Topological field theories in homotopy theory
01 December 2017: Igor Krasovski (Imperial College) Toeplitz determinants in the theory of the Ising model and random matrices
- 08 December 2017: Sergey Nazarenko (Warwick) Gravitational Waves and Turbulence in the Early Universe
Spring Term 2017/18
- 12 January 2018: Xavier Buff (Toulouse III) Holomorphic dynamics, transversality and algebraic curves
- 19 January 2018: Dmitri Vassiliev (UCL) Spectral theory of differential operators: what's it all about and what is its use
- 26 January 2018: James Robinson (Warwick) Rigorous numerics for the Navier-Stokes equations without full existence and uniqueness results
- 02 February 2018: Andrew Ranicki (Edinburgh) Simplicial complexes
- 09 February 2018: Andrea Mondino (Warwick) Smooth and non-smooth aspects of Ricci curvature lower bounds
- 16 February 2018: Louise Dyson (Warwick) Stochastic problems in biology and epidemiology
- 23 February 2018: David Sauzin (CNRS, Pisa): postponed to 27 April 2018
- 02 March 2018: Paul Milewski (Bath): postponed to 18 May 2018
- 09 March 2018: Mohamed Saidi (Exeter) Recent advances in Galois Theory
- 16 March 2018: Hugo Parlier (Luxembourg) The asymptotic geometries of puzzles and moduli spaces
Summer Term 2017/18
- 27 April 2018: David Sauzin (CNRS, Pisa) Introduction to Resurgence theory and Alien Calculus
- 04 May 2018: Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Leeds) Products of CW complexes: the full story
- 11 May 2018: Geoffrey Robinson (Aberdeen) Some open questions in representation theory
- 18 May 2018: Paul Milewski (Bath) Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Faraday Pilot Waves
- 25 May 2018: Hendrik Weber (Warwick) The stochastic quantisation equation - scaling limits, meta-stability and the role of infinity
- 01 June 2018: John Greenlees (Warwick) Invariants of spaces with a group action
- 08 June 2018: Alessio Figalli (ETH) Regularity of interfaces in phase transitions via obstacle problems
- 15 June 2018: Marcelo Viana (IMPA) The Mañé-Bochi theorem is false for non-invertible maps
- 22 June 2018: Open Day
- 29 June 2018: Dept BBQ