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MA934: Module Resources

Lecturer: Radu CimpeanuLink opens in a new window

The information below highlights some of the relevant structure for the 23/24 academic year, with the lecture notes each week being made available the week before the content is to be covered, and additional resources enhancing some of the materials to be added during each week based on our discussions and the interests of the module takers.

Graduate teaching assistant: Oscar HolroydLink opens in a new window

MA934 is five weeks long and runs from week 6 to week 10 (inclusive) of the Autumn term.

Mondays 10:00 - 12:00 in D1.07 (CDT Seminar Room, Floor 1, Zeeman Building) unless otherwise advised
Thursdays 10:00 - 12:00 in D1.07 (CDT Seminar Room, Floor 1, Zeeman Building) unless otherwise advised

Mondays 13:00 - 15:00 in D1.07 (CDT Seminar Room, Floor 1, Zeeman Building) unless otherwise advised
Thursdays 13:00 - 15:00 in D1.07 (CDT Seminar Room, Floor 1, Zeeman Building) unless otherwise advised


Coursework (60%), with one formative assessment, and four graded problem sheets worth 15% each. The afternoon classes will provide opportunities to engage with this material during each week.

Oral viva examination (40%).

Notes and resources:

Complementing any induction sessions and materials received prior to the start of the module, you may also find some of the MA124 Mathematics by ComputerLink opens in a new window content useful. The module switched from Matlab to Python in 2021 and contains a helpful starter kit (Installing Anaconda, Running JupyterLab for the first time), which includes some of the environments and tools you have become acquainted with already, plus a few exercises should you wish to attempt them ahead of (or during) the term for additional practice. You can find other excellent resources on these environments such as the Project Jupyter page (the installation and documentation pages in particular) and the classical Python tutorial (familiarity with sections 1-4 will be helpful, elements from section 5 onwards are part of the subject matter of the module itself), and in general do not hesitate to explore the wider landscape as you either familiarise yourselves for the first time or explore topics of interest in which you may already have some experience more deeply.

Below are the key topics we will cover during the coming weeks. The notes (in .pdf format) will be uploaded here as we start navigating through the materials. Please let me know about any errors or typos which you find.

For Jupyter notebooks the images which occasionally appear in each sheet can be found hereLink opens in a new window. Please retain the same relative paths for them to work (you should keep the .ipynb's in a folder, with files/images/ as a subfolder therein).

Week 7

Problem sheets:

Jupyter notebooks containing homework problems will be made available through this website.

Deadlines and assessment notes:

  • The deadlines for the problem sheets are highlighted above, with this section being updated with relevant dates as we navigate each week.
  • In line with broader university policy, the penalty for late submission of work, where no formal extension has been granted, is a reduction in marks of 5 percentage points per working day. "Marks" refer to point scores on a percentage scale. A late piece of work that would have scored 65% had it been handed in on time would be awarded 60% if it were up to one day late, 55% if up to two days late and so on. A day is counted as a 24-hour period from the original published deadline. Penalties only accrue on University working days (not on weekends or public holidays).
  • Assignments will be submitted (as a .zip archive containing both code and a readable .pdf version of the solution) via this online webformLink opens in a new window. Please also ensure that you carefully read and complete the online declaration when submitting a piece of assessed work.
  • Vivas will be held during Wed 6th December - Fri 8th December 2023 (the final timetable will be circulated via email at least at a week prior to the examination). Please consult the provided list of topics and sample questionsLink opens in a new window as preparation, with questions being drawn randomly from the respective list on the day, and (answer-dependent) follow-up questions also to be expected. As oral examinations have a particular assessment, please see the university marking schemeLink opens in a new window for PGT students in the Faculty of Science.
  • The complete set of notes can be found hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window as a single .pdf document (which may be useful for revision). Consulting the associated content as part of the provided Jupyter notebooks (many of which contain relevant theoretical content alongside practical exercises) is also highly encouraged.
  • Please consider filling in the module feedback formLink opens in a new window. The feedback is anonymous and your thoughts will help improve future iterations of the module.