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WAGER - Warwick Agents and Games in Economic Research

Warwick Agents and Games in Economic Research (WAGER) is a fortnightly meeting for researchers interested in models of interacting economic agents.

Shared interest among the group revolve around Economics and Finance and comprise: (Evolutionary) Game Theory, Interacting Particle Systems, Networks, Opinion Dynamics and Agent Based modeling, with some bias toward the more theoretical and mathematical aspects.

All meetings take place in room D1.07, Zeeman Building, start at 4pm . There is no minimum duration and maximum of one hour.

Upcoming Meetings

1/2 - Qualitative and quantitative coarse-graining of Langevin dynamics - Manh Hong Duong

TBC - The Evolution of Conventions (P. Young, 1993) - Gian Lorenzo Spisso

Past Meetings

Intro and Models of local interaction with (some) rationality - Gian Lorenzo Spisso - Slides and references (11/2/16)

Opinion Dynamics and Price Formation - Guillem Mosquera-Donate - Slides (3/3/2016)

1+1=2? Well, think again! - Alexandros Karlis - Slides and references (10/3/2016)

Tipping points in society - Peter De Ford Gonzalez - Slides (pdf) with movies (pptx) (21/4/2016)

Trophic Coherence - Samuel Johnson

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of bipartite mean field spin systems - Andrea Pizzoferrato (7/12/2016)

Contact: g dot l dot spisso at warwick dot ac dot uk
If you would like to come and share your current works or an interesting reference on the topics above, feel free to send an email.