Jimmy McKendrick
Hello, I'm Jimmy and I'm a first year PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Michael TildesleyLink opens in a new window and Dr. Warren TennantLink opens in a new window in Mathematics of Real-World Systems at the MathSys II CDT. I am researching and interested in mathematical epidemiology, model fitting and Lassa fever. I am currently working on modelling Lassa fever epidemics in Nigeria.
- McKendrick, J. Tennant, W., Tildesley, M. J., (Preprint). Modelling seasonality of Lassa fever in NigeriaLink opens in a new window.
Lymphatic Filariasis modelling - 6 month part time research project (2024)
- Expanding upon previous works to model Lymphatic Filariasis with the intent to improve surveillance in near elimination scenarios. Incorporated biological processes into existing model to improve biological accuracy and conducted initial analysis. The project was lead by Dr Emma Davis in collaboration with public health entities from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wild Seabird Colonies - 3 month research project (2023)
- Exploration of initial data sourcing and modelling of HPAI in seabirds in the British Isles. Built a body of work collating available data sources and relevant contacts to outline modelling the recent Avian Influenza pandemic experienced by the UK and Europe.
Lassa fever in Nigeria – MSc (2019/20)
- An article style paper aiming to quantify the seasonality and shape of the external force of infection from Nigeria with data from the NCDC for Lassa fever. Supervised by Prof. Michael TildesleyLink opens in a new window
MSc Research Group Project (2020) - Stochastic parareal: an application of probabilistic methods to time-parallelisation
- A 10 week project where Kamran PentlandLink opens in a new window, Haoran NiLink opens in a new window, Yije ZhouLink opens in a new window, Jacques BaraLink opens in a new window and I investigated incorporating stochastic methods into the parareal algorithm in order to extract further parallel speed-up when integrating systems of ODEs. Supervised by Dr. Massimiliano TamborrinoLink opens in a new window, Dr. Debasmita Samaddar and Dr. Lynton Appel.
Mathematical Modelling of Viral Haemorrhagic Diseases (Lassa Fever and Ebola) – MMath
- An introductory essay aiming at being accessible to 4th year mathematicians detailing mathematical epidemic models, well-known quantities and qualities of the models and fitting to data with application to data to the Ebola epidemic in 2014 and Lassa fever in Nigeria. Supervised by Prof. Michael TildesleyLink opens in a new window and Dr. Warren TennantLink opens in a new window.
Conferences and Presentations
- EMBLEM seminar (University of Warwick). (04/06/24)
- MathSys Annual Retreat (University of Warwick). Talk: "Modelling Lassa fever in Nigeria". (Best presentation - joint winner) (25/04-28/04/23)
- SBIDER snack seminar (University of Warwick). (24/01/23)
- SPAAM presentation (University of Warwick). (19/01/23)
- ASTMH 2022 Annual meeting. Poster: Model selection test on the Contact-Density transmission of Lassa fever in Mastomys natalensis (30/10-03/11/22)
- Mathsys Annual Retreat (University of Warwick). (25/04-27/04/22)
- Epidemics8 online. (30/11-3/12/21)
- ASTMH 2021 Annual meeting. (17/11-21/11/21)
- Mathsys PhD weekly meeting (University of Warwick). (20/10/21)
- Mathsys Annual Retreat (University of Warwick). 3 Minute thesis (Best - joint winner) (26 & 27/04/21)
- Best Presentation in stream. Third year competition at Mathsys retreat (2023)
- Best 3 minute thesis. First year competition at Mathsys online retreat (2021)
MSc in Mathematics of Real-World Systems – University of Warwick (Distinction)
MMath in Mathematics – University of Warwick (1st Class)
Graduate teaching assistant
- LF903: Quantitative Skills for System Biology - Epidemic Modelling teaching assistant, demonstrator and coursework marking (Term 1 - 21/22, 22/23, 23/24)
- Mathsys Intro to Computing demonstrator (Term 1 - 21/22, 22/23)
- MA256: Introduction to Mathematical Biology teaching assistant (Term 3 - 21/22)
First year supervisor for mathematicians
- Supervised first year mathematicians in their transition to university level maths. Graded assignment and lead supervision and revision sessions (All year - 18/19, 20/21)

j.mckendrick@warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new windowOffice D2.17, Zeeman Building
Jimmy McKendrick
Other Interests
- I like powerlifting and working out
- Member of Warwick cocktail society