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Nathan Van Der Riet

I am a first-year PhD student in the Mathematics for Real-World Systems Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Warwick. My research interests lie generally in the field of systems biology and in particular in mathematical/physical models of such real world systems. Currently, my focus could be narrowed further down to sorting, topology and structural control in cells; of particular interest are physical descriptions from an energy minimisation point of view.

Current Research:

An electron micrograph image of the Golgi Apparatus highlighting the distinct topolgies of the Golgi complex and TGN.

With joint supervisors Matthew Turner of Warwick and Pierre Sens of Institut Curie, I am looking at the structure of the Golgi Apparatus, a key organelle found in cells responsible for the distribution of proteins and lipids throughout the cell. The Golgi can be divided into two distinct compartments, the Golgi complex, a stack of cisternae akin to a stack of American pancakes, and the Trans Golgi Network (TGN), characterised by many saddles, cups and tubules. The reasons for this bi-compartment structure are not well understood and this is the question we seek to answer by application of a critical physical lens, mathematical techniques and biological insights.


Sorting, Topology and Structural Control in Cells

From pancakes to cups: The physically driven structure of the Golgi Apparatus

Evolving Predator-Prey Dynamics in Agent-Based Models of Collective Motion

Macroscopic Pedestrian Dynamics: A Framework for Model Selection

  • MMath dissertation (Sep 2021 - Apr 2022), supervised by Susana Gomes

Drug Delivery Across the Skin, a Mathematical Perspective

  • Undergraduate summer research project (May 2021 - Aug 2021), supervised by Susana Gomes


  • 2023-Present PhD Mathematics of Real-World Systems, University of Warwick
  • 2022-2023 MSc Mathematics of Real-World Systems, University of Warwick (Distinction)
  • 2018-2022 MMath Master of Mathematics, University of Warwick (First Class)

Teaching Responsibilities

  • 2023-2024 Graduate Teaching Assistant, MA2K3 Second Year Consolidation Tutor
  • 2021-2022 Supervisor for first year Mathematics and Mathematics & Physics students

Contact Information:

Email: a new window
Office: D2.17Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window Zeeman Building