Medicine in the 4th Dimension
5th July 2016 - University of Warwick
Warwick-Wellcome Quantitative Biomedicine
The 2nd Warwick Quantitative Biomedicine Programme Symposium brought together leading scientists and clinicians to discuss systems biology approaches to medically relevant dynamic processes.
The purpose of this multidisciplinary symposium was to bring together medical scientists, biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians to address the issue of timing in Systems Medicine. The symposium took place in the Medical Teaching Centre of the Gibbet Hill Campus of the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, on 5th July 2016.
Of note, we will also hosted the UK Clock Club on Monday, 4th July 2016. This bi-yearly meeting typically gathers more than 100 chronobiologists from across the UK and abroad.

Rudi Balling
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Helen Blau
Standford School of Medicine

Stuart Farrow
CRT Discovery Laboratories

Albert Goldbeter
University of Brussels

Daniel Hochhauser

Walter Kolch
University College Dublin

Martha Merrow
LMU, Munich

David Spiegel
Stanford School of Medicine

Hiroki Ueda
Riken, Japan

Mike White
University of Manchester

David Whitmore
University College London

Yosef Yarden
Weizmann Institute
The symposium took place at the Medical Teaching Centre, located on the Gibbet Hill campus of the University of Warwick..
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