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Lab Announcements

  • 9th July 2024

Congratulations Afifah for winning the Sir Howard Dalton Early Career Microbiologist of the Year Poser Prize from the Microbiology Society!

  • 1st February 2024

Lovely day out with the lab for lunch :)

  • 19th December 2023

Well done to Afifah for winning best poster prize at the 2023 Influenza Update Meeting!

  • October 2023

Congrats Dani on being awarded a Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowship (SSHN) to spend three months working in the Muriaux lab in Montpellier.

  • 10th July 2023

Nic did a superb job presenting a poster on his work at the Pandemic Sciences Conference in Oxford today.

  • 21st June 2023

Nicole received 'Best PhD Mentor' Award at the WMS PGR Symposium 2023.

  • 15th April 2023

Congratulations Dr McMahon! Super proud of Andrew for passing his DPhil viva today.