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WRiN Newsletters

Warwick Research in Nursing newsletters were produced from 2008-2020. Since 2021 they have been incorporated into the annual report.

Back issues of previous RCNRI Newsletters can be found here in pdf format (click on the issue number to open the file)

Vol 1

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2008 - FIRE Study, Urgent and Emergency Care in Diabetes, Perioperative Fasting, HOPE, Involvement, Outcomes

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2009 - Strategic Alliance, NHS Centre for Involvement, Commissioning, Building an Evidence Base, POPPY Study

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2009 - Virtual Institute of Research in Healthcare Practice, Evaluation of Research, PRO and Quality

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2009 - Patient Organisations for Long Term Conditions, Collaborating with RCN Nursing Forums, Participation, PPI, Pain

Vol 2

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2009 - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, PPI, Trauma Nurses, Relaxation

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2010 - Patient Reported Outcomes, PROMS Stakeholder Reference Group, User Involvement, CFS, Stroke Research

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2010 - FIRE Project, Massage and Short-term Pain Relief

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2010 - Pathways to Urgent and Emergency Care for People with Diabetes, Realistic Evaluation, Primary Care, Fluid Optimisation

Vol 3

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2010 - Using Evidence in Practice, Impact of PPI, PRIME, PoISE

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2011 -Urgent Care in Diabetes, National Clinical Guideline Centre, Quality of Life, Appreciate Inquiry, Outcome Measures

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2011 - Patient Reported Outcomes, PPI, Trauma Outcomes

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2011 - Parents of Preterm Infants, Emotional Labour, Risk of Falling, EASi-QoL

Vol 4

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2011 - PPI, RCN "Space to Think", Quality of Life

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2012 - FIRE Study, Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, Qualitative Research, Transitional Approaches to Change, Hope on a Stroke Unit

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2012 - New NICE Guidance, Fatigue and Ankylosing Spondylitis, Cochrane Methods, Principles of Nursing

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2012 - Impact of user Involvement, Hip Fracture, Women in Leadership, FIRE Study, The Study of Pain

Vol 5

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2012 - Families and Diabetic Care, Using Evidence in Evidence-based Policy, Quality of Life Research, INVOLVE

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2013 - NIHR Horizon Scanning Centre, Imapct and Vitality, Visit of Peter Carter

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2013 - PAIC Conference, NICE Conference, Pain Society

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2013 - GRIPP2, Emotional Labour, FIRE Study, Health Technology International, Social Science and Nursing, Retrospective Comfort

Vol 6

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2013 - Quality assessment for meta-ethnography, Emotional Labour and Resilience, Dementia Care, Emergency preparedness

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2014 - Emotional Labour and Resilience, Dementia care, Emergency Preparedness

Issue 3 Link opens in a new window- Apr/May/Jun 2014 - Rapid Response Systems, Core Outcome Set for Cardiac Arrest Clinical Trials, Outcome Measure for Children with CFS

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2014 - Compassionate Care, Orthopaedic and Trauma, PPI, European Cardiac Arrest Registry

Vol 7

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2014 - Valuing Patient Engagement, Recovery from Hip Fractures, Core Outcome Sets

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2015 - New Journal "Research Involvement and Engagement", PPI, Emotional Aspects of Eating Disorders, Improving Experiences of Care

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2015 - Pain Society, ESRC Seminar Series, Parents Views of Late Diagnosis, Musculoskeletal Pain, PPI Journal, Barbers' Company Scholarship

Issue 4 Link opens in a new window- Jul/Aug/Sep 2015 - Tom Sandford visit, Supervisory Roles Ward Sisters/Charge Nurses, Patient Experience of Technology, Compassionate Care

Vol 8

Issue 1 - Oct/Nov/Dec 2015 - Services After Hospital for People with Memory Loss, Patient Reported Outcomes in Maternity and Core Outcomes for Cardiac Arrest

Issue 2 - Jan/Feb/Mar 2016 - PhD Graduations, Sustainable Health Systems, SHARED Study, Ward Sister/Charge Nurse Supervisory Roles

Issue 3Link opens in a new window - Apr/May/Jun 2016 - Nursing Scholarship Awards, NIHR PPI, RCN Research Conference, Older people, Pain Society, Compassionate Care

Issue 4Link opens in a new window - Jul/Aug/Sep 2016 - Janet Davies Visit, 100 Years of the RCN, Self Compassion, Experience of Hip Fracture, Ankle Injury Management

Vol 9

Issue 1Link opens in a new window - Oct/Nov/Dec 2016 - IASP World Congress, RCN Centenary Conference, Health Technology Assessment, Compasssion, American Heart Association, Quality of Life Research

Issue 2Link opens in a new window - Jan/Feb/Mar 2017 - European Nursing Research Foundation, Carers' Experiences, Social Care Institute for Excellence, Video Clips, Self Compassion

Issue 3 - Apr/Sep 2017 - Improving the wellbeing of people with opioid treated chronic pain (i-wotch)

Vol 10

Issue 1 - Sept17/Mar18 - Review of Carers' Experience, Cardiac Arrest Research, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

Issue 2 - Mar18/Sept18 - British Pain Society Honours, Nursing Scholarship, European Nursing, World Congress on Pain, UK WOLLF Patient Experience

Vol 11

Issue 1 - Sept 18/ March 19 - INVOLVE Coproduction, Patient and Citizen Involvement (HTAi), PPI: working together to improve resuscitation research.

Issue 2 - Apr 19/ Sept 19 - Understanding experiences of in-patient health services, Exercise Falls and Prevention

Vol 12

Issue 1 - Oct 19/ March 20 - Warwick Research in Nursing and the WHO Year of the Nurse and Midwife, MEMVIE Programme

Issue 2 - Apr 20/ Sept 20 - The Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS), The SURViVORS Study