Job Title
Senior Research Fellow
WMS - Warwick Research in Nursing
024 7615 0620
Research Interests
Research interests include: clinical issues; exploring patient and staff experiences of care, injury, recovery and treatments; and core concepts such as comfort, participation and hope.
Liz is Senior Research Fellow in Warwick Research for Nursing at Warwick Medical School and in trauma research at the Kadoorie Center at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Research areas include staff (multidisciplinary) and patient experience, older people and people suffering acute traumatic injury. Mixed Methods and a range of qualitative methodologies such as phenomenology and ethnography have been utilised. PhD students are welcomed in these areas.
- 'Pearson, Nathan Ashley, 'Tutton, Elizabeth, 'Martindale, J., 'Strickland, George, 'Thompson, Jean, 'Packham, Jonathan C., 'Creamer, Paul, 'Haywood, Kirstie L., 2022. 'Qualitative interview study exploring the patient experience of living with axial spondyloarthritis and fatigue : difficult, demanding and draining. BMJ Open, 12 (2)
- Pearson, Nathan, Tutton, Elizabeth, Joeris, A., Gwilym, S., Grant, R., Keene, D. J., Haywood, Kirstie L., 2021. Co-producing a multi-stakeholder core outcome set for distal tibia and ankle fractures (COSTA) : a study protocol. Trials, 22
- Tierney, Stephanie, Tutton, Liz, Seers, Kate, 2019. I becomes we, but where is me? The unity-division paradox when caring for a relative with dementia : a qualitative study. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 14 (4)
- Wiltjer, Hanneke, Seers, Kate, Tutton, Elizabeth, 2019. Understanding assessment on a ward for older people : a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (4), pp. 850-861
- Rees, Sophie, Tutton, Elizabeth, Achten, Juul, Bruce, Julie, Costa, Matthew L., 2019. Patient experience of long term recovery after open fracture of the lower limb : a qualitative study using interviews in a community setting. BMJ Open, 9
- Griffin, Xavier L, Costa, Matthew L, Phelps, Emma, Parsons, Nicholas R., Dritsaki, Melina, Achten, Juul, Tutton, Elizabeth, Lerner, Robin Gillmore, McGibbon, Alwin, Baird, Janis, 2019. Intramedullary nails versus distal locking plates for fracture of the distal femur : results from the trial of acute femoral fracture fixation (TrAFFix) randomised feasibility study and process evaluation. BMJ Open, 9 (5)
- Keene, David J., Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Mistry, Dipesh, Tutton, Elizabeth, Lall, Ranjit, Handley, Robert, Willett, Keith, 2018. Three-year follow-up of a trial of close contact casting vs surgery for initial treatment of unstable ankle fractures in older adults. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 319 (12), pp. 1274-1276
- Costa, Matthew L., Achten, Juul, Bruce, J. (Julie), Davis, Sonia, Hennings, Susie, Willett, Keith, Petrou, Stavros, Jeffery, Steven, Griffin, Damian R., Parker, Benjamin A., Masters, James P. M., Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Tutton, Elizabeth, Parsons, Nicholas R., 2018. Negative-pressure wound therapy versus standard dressings for adults with an open lower limb fracture : the WOLLF RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 22 (73), pp. 1-162
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Achten, Juul, Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Willett, K., Costa, Matthew L., 2018. A qualitative study of the experience of an open fracture of the lower limb in acute care. Bone and Joint Journal (BJJ), 110-B (4), pp. 522-526
- Costa, Matthew L., Achten, Juul, Bruce, J. (Julie), Tutton, Elizabeth, Petrou, Stavros, Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Parsons, Nicholas R., 2018. Effect of negative pressure wound therapy vs standard wound management on 12-month disability among adults with severe open fracture of the lower limb : the WOLLF randomised clinical trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 319 (22), pp. 2280-2288
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Achten, Juul, Lamb, Sarah E., Willett, Keith, Costa, Matthew L., 2018. Participation in a trial in the emergency situation: a qualitative study of patient experience in the UK WOLLF trial. Trials, 19 (1)
- Pearson, Nathan, Packham, Jonathan, Tutton, Elizabeth, Parsons, Helen, Haywood, Kirstie L., 2018. Assessing fatigue in adults with Axial Spondyloarthritis : a systematic review of the quality and acceptability of patient-reported outcome measures. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 2 (2)
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Achten, Juul, Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Willett, Keith, Costa, Matthew L., 2018. Participation in a trial in the emergency situation : a qualitative study of patient experience in the UK WOLLF trial. Trials, 19 (1)
- Costa, Matthew L., Tutton, Elizabeth, Achten, Juul, Grant, Richard, Slowther, Anne, 2017. Informed consent in the context of research involving acute injuries and emergencies. Bone & Joint Journal, 99-B (2), pp. 147-150
- Saletti-Cuesta, Lorena, Tutton, Elizabeth, Langstaff, Debbie, Willett, Keith, 2017. Understanding patient and relative/carer experience of hip fracture in acute care : a qualitative study protocol. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 25, pp. 36-41
- Haywood, Kirstie L., Brett, Jo, Tutton, Elizabeth, Staniszewska, Sophie, 2017. Patient-reported outcome measures in older people with hip fracture : a systematic review of quality and acceptability. Quality of Life Research, 26 (4), pp. 799-812
- Tierney, Stephanie, Seers, Kate, Reeve, Joanne L., Tutton, Elizabeth, 2017. Appraising the situation : a framework for understanding compassionate care. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 4 (1)
- Saletti-Cuesta, Lorena, Tutton, Elizabeth, Langstaff, Debbie, Willett, Keith, 2016. Understanding informal carers' experiences of caring for older people with a hip fracture : a systematic review of qualitative studies. Disability and Rehabilitation, pp. 1-11
- Keene, David J., Mistry, Dipesh, Nam, Julian, Tutton, Elizabeth, Handley, Robert, Morgan, Lesley, Roberts, Emma, Gray, Bridget, Briggs, Andrew, Lall, Ranjit, Chesser, Tim J. S., Pallister, Ian, Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Willett, Keith, 2016. The ankle injury management (AIM) trial : a pragmatic, multicentre, equivalence randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation comparing close contact casting with open surgical reduction and internal fixation in the treatment of unstable ankle fractures in patients aged over 60 years. Health Technology Assessment, 20 (75), pp. 1-158
- Willett, Keith, Keene, David J., Mistry, Dipesh, Nam, Julian, Tutton, Elizabeth, Handley, Robert, Morgan, Lesley, Roberts, Emma, Briggs, Andrew, Lall, Ranjit, Chesser, Timothy J. S., Pallister, Ian, Lamb, Sallie E., 2016. Close contact casting vs surgery for initial treatment of unstable ankle fractures in older adults. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 316 (14)
- Stayt, L., Seers, Kate, Tutton, Elizabeth, 2016. Making sense of it : intensive care patients phenomenological accounts of story construction. Nursing in Critical Care, 21 (4), pp. 225-232
- Saletti-Cuesta, Lorena, Tutton, Liz, Wright, Julie, 2016. The relevance of gender in the care of hip fracture patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 22, pp. 3-12
- Tierney, Stephanie, Seers, Kate, Reeve, Joanne L., Tutton, Elizabeth, 2016. Measuring compassionate care : views of healthcare staff. Nursing Management, 23 (8), pp. 22-26
- Achten, Juul, Parsons, Nicholas R., Bruce, J. (Julie), Petrou, Stavros, Tutton, Elizabeth, Willett, Keith, Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), Costa, Matthew L., 2015. Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of standard wound management versus negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of adult patients with an open fracture of the lower limb : UK wound management of open lower limb fractures (UK WOLFF). BMJ Open, 5 (9), pp. 1-10
- Stayt, Louise Caroline, Seers, Kate, Tutton, Elizabeth, 2015. Patients' experiences of technology and care in adult intensive care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 (9), pp. 2051-2061
- Willett, Keith, Keene, David J., Morgan, Lesley, Gray, Bridget, Handley, Robert, Chesser, Tim, Pallister, Ian, Tutton, Elizabeth, Knox, Christopher R., Lall, Ranjit, Briggs, Andrew H., Lamb, S. E. (Sallie E.), 2014. Ankle injury management (AIM) : design of a pragmatic multi-centre equivalence randomised controlled trial comparing close contact casting (CCC) to open surgical reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) in the treatment of unstable ankle fractures in patients over 60 years. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 15 (1)
- Hamilton, T. W., Hutchings, L., Alsousou, J., Tutton, E., Hodson, E., Smith, C. H., Wakefield, J., Gray, B., Symonds, S., Willett, K., 2013. The treatment of stable paediatric forearm fractures using a cast that may be removed at home. Comparison with traditional management in a randomised controlled trial.. The Bone & Joint Journal, 95 B (12), pp. 1714-1720
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Seers, Kate, Langstaff, Deborah, 2012. Hope in orthopaedic trauma : a qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol.49 (No.7), pp. 872-879
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Seers, Kate, Langstaff, Deborah, Westwood, Martin, 2012. Staff and patient views of the concept of hope on a stroke unit : a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68 (9), pp. 2061-2069
- Staniszewska, Sophie, Haywood, Kirstie L., Brett, Jo, Tutton, Liz, 2012. Patient and public involvement in patient-reported outcome measures. Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, Vol.5 (No.2), pp. 79-87
- McInnes, Elizabeth, Seers, Kate, Tutton, Liz, 2011. Older people's views in relation to risk of falling and need for intervention : a meta-ethnography. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.67 (No.12), pp. 2525-2536
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Gray, Bridget, 2009. Fluid optimisation using a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) following proximal femoral fracture: Lessons learnt from a feasibility study. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, Vol. 13 (No. 1), pp. 11-18
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Seers, Kate, Langstaff, Debbie, 2009. An exploration of hope as a concept for nursing. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, Vol.13 (No.3), pp. 119-127
- Seers, Kate, Crichton, Nicola, Tutton, Liz, Smith, L. (Lisa), Saunders, Teresa, 2008. Effectiveness of relaxation for postoperative pain and anxiety : randomized controlled trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.62 (No.6), pp. 681-688
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Seers, Kate, Langstaff, Deborah, 2008. Professional nursing culture on a trauma unit : experiences of patients and staff. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.61 (No.2), pp. 145-153
- Tutton, Elizabeth, Langstaff, D., 2014. Reflections on Isobel Menzies Lyth in light of developments in nursing care. In Armstrong, David; Rustin, Michael (eds.), Social defenses against anxiety : explorations in a paradigm, London, Karnac, pp. 111-123
- Seers, Kate, Tutton, Liz, Tierney, Stephanie, Mockford, Carole, Staniszewska, Sophie, Haywood, Kirstie L., 2016. Knowledge for change and improvement : developing partnership through involving and engaging others. RCN International Centenary conference, QEII Centre, 22?23 Nov 2016
- Tierney, Stephanie, Seers, Kate, Reeve, Joanne L., Tutton, Liz, 2016. Flow of compassion in health care : moving beyond an individual towards a systemic focus. RCN International Nursing Research Conference, University of Oxford, 05-07 April 2017
- Seers, Kate, Staniszewska, Sophie, Tutton, Elizabeth, Watterson, L., Currie, L., 2016. A survey to provide baseline activity in relation to ward sister/charge nurse supervisory roles. Royal College of Nursing
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Wound management of Open Lower Limb Fractures (WOLLF) - full proposal | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Mar 2012 | 28 Feb 2017 |
Understanding how supervisory Ward Sister status has been implemented and how its impact has been assessed. | NHS England | 01 Mar 2015 | 31 Oct 2015 |
HOPE: Core Concepts in Nursing | Royal College of Nursing | 01 Oct 2009 | 31 Jul 2013 |