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Phase 3 Guide

Student Guide to Phase III

Specialist Clinical Placements

There are 8 placements that you rotate through during the bulk of Phase III, lasting 6 weeks each. They all have 'sign-offs' - clinical objectives you must competently demonstrate.

You're usually based in one Trust, but your placements can be across the whole WMS clinical footprint.

Find out more about SCP and how to make the most out of your placements here!

ACC - Revision Block

A 6-week revision block after SCP 8, you have x2 3-week placements at 2 different Trusts. It's an opportunity to visit specific clinical areas for self-directed practice of TDOCs or mock OSLERs.

Medical Elective

Whether you prefer a local experience or aspire to explore healthcare on an international scale, this is your chance to shape your medical journey

Dive into your passions, make a tangible impact, and gain hands-on experience that sets you on the path to an extraordinary medical career. Unleash your potential, explore, and make a difference - your personal journey begins here!


In the final placement of your medical school journey, you are allocated to 1 of the 3 WMS Trusts for 8 weeks.

During this time, you'll have the opportunity to shadow a Foundation Year 1 doctor and learn about the job and system. This hands-on training will not only offer valuable insights but also prepare you with the practical knowledge needed as you step into the role of a Foundation Doctor in August.

Phase III Exams

So - the final hurdles!

Here we explain the UKMLA, the Warwick Prescribing Exam, the PSA, 2x written papers, OSCEs, and OSLERs.

UKFPO Application

Finally - Foundation job applications!

For some, it's an exciting time, yet for others, it can be quite daunting - especially when you're juggling multiple responsibilities during this busy season.

Soon we'll have more information here about the application process, covering everything from the FP, SFP, FPP, pre-allocation, and more!

Student Tips for Phase III

Everyone's journey is different, but here are general insights from those currently, or recently, in Phase III.


Here you'll find our recommendations of resources to help you pass the Phase III Exams.


Still have questions about Phase III?

Drop them below as a comment, or email us hereLink opens in a new window - chances are others will have the same questions too!

With special thanks to Carmen Chung (2020 cohort) for creating the Phase 3 student guide in 2024.