Wellcome Translational Partnership
What is the Warwick Wellcome Trust Translational Partnership?
Launched in 2020, the Warwick-Wellcome Translational Partnership is driving the translation of research into improvements in human health.
The partnership is accelerating the development of new preventative and therapeutic strategies to tackle ill-health locally, nationally and globally. It will deliver lasting impact, whilst strengthening links with partners in both industry and clinical settings.
What is the Partnership delivering?
The Warwick-Wellcome Trust Translational Partnership is focused on investing in fellowships and projects aimed at exploiting emerging impact in the science of early life, tissue models of human disease and disease control and prevention. Two funding programmes are available to support people and new ideas, whilst developing a translational ecosystem across the University and local NHS trusts. Support for delivery of the Partnership is provided by Research & Impact Services.
Translation Fellowships provide the opportunity for researchers to engage with translational research activities and take forward opportunities. Find out about our previous fellowships.
Breaking Translational Barriers Awards, smaller awards of up to £15,000, are available to access bespoke external expertise and advice on the potential of the idea or technology and overcome well-defined barriers, for example engaging end users and networks, commissioning market research analyses and exploring routes to market to progress their research along the translational pipeline. Find out about previous Breaking Translational Barriers awards.
What funding is currently available?
Warwick has recently secured an extension to the Partnership and is seeking new applications for Breaking Translational Barriers awards. As well as larger awards of up to £15K, Rapid Response funding of up to ~£1K is also available to take advantage of immediate translational opportunities.
Where can I find out more?
Visit our applications page to learn more about current funding opportunities or contact Wellcome-Translation@warwick.ac.uk to arrange an informal meeting.
Meet our Operational Leads
Professor Andrew McAinsh
Professor Andrew Blanks
“We are excited to be developing a translational ecosystem here at Warwick and supporting outstanding projects and fellowships to drive improvements in human health"
Healthcare Innovation Training (online) - November 2023
The Warwick-Wellcome Translational Partnership is delighted to announce a series of lunchtime training sessions aimed at researchers interested in research commercialisation and healthcare innovations. The following sessions will be delivered online during November 2023:
- Introduction to Commercialisation - 2nd November 2023, 12pm to 1pm (online)
- Engaging with Policymakers - 16th November 2023, 12pm to 1pm (online)
- Understanding the Value Proposition - 23rd November 2023, 12pm to 1pm (online)
- Medical Device Regulatory Overview - 30th November 2023, 12pm to 1pm (online)
These sessions will be facilitated and delivered by Cath Whitaker of Team Services, Liz Flint of Flint Innovations, and Richard Hall of QMS Consultancy. Team Services and Flint Innovations are market research and business planning consultancies with extensive experience in the healthcare sector, while QMS Consultancy provides guidance on regulatory approval of healthcare devices.
Coming soon - Careers in Biomedical & Translational Science event. Tuesday 31st October 2023. Radcliffe Conference Centre, University of Warwick