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Transferable Skills

In keeping with Research Council guidelines, MOAC's students receive training in "Transferable Skills" such as team building, or communicating science - as well as being able to avail themselves of Warwick's Research Students Skills Programme.

All MOAC students register on the Warwick Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science.

Please see the course homepage here for the latest news and documentation

The certificate consists of six modules as set out in the The General Introduction to Transferable Skills Certificate, and normally you will complete two each year. One of these will concentrate on the skills that you should be building up during your routine work as a research student. The other will usually be based on a three-day residential course with some follow-up activities.

Course information

Full module list


A sample of past modules, with photographs and reports:

Science Communication

This media course is run in conjunction with the Chemical Biology Centre DTC, and focuses on communicating science to the general public. As part of this exercise the students film a mock TV documentary show, and produce a mock radio broadcast at the BBC.

Module information


Team Development

MOAC and the CBC DTC at Imperial College have created a regular "Team Development" course, that is specifically targeted to students doing research in the sciences:

The course content also included emphasis on presentation skills, and graduate career advice.

Module information


Decision Making and Leadership

Another regular MOAC and CBC DTC course:

Module information














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