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MOAC Seminars 2007-2008

During term time, MOAC hosts a weekly joint-DTC seminar series, held in the MOAC Seminar Room (top floor of Coventry House). A free ploughman's lunch is served at 1pm, and the talks start at 1:10pm and finish by 1:45pm. Minibus transport to and from the Gibbet Hill site is usually provided. You are encouraged to sign up to the MOAC events email list.

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Wed 8 Oct, '08
DTCs Seminar - Nitrite and Nitrate – From Health Threat to Organ Protection, by Martin Feelisch, WMS
Coventry House, Top Floor


Wed 22 Oct, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Flexibility and alternative conformations are crucial to the function of PDI, a catalyst and chaperone of protein folding, by Robert Freedman (Biological Sciences)
Coventry House, Top Floor


Wed 29 Oct, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminar - 'Entering a New Evolutionary Landscape for Domestication, Hand in Paw' by Robin Allaby (WHRI)
MOAC Seminar room


Wed 5 Nov, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Transgenerational Epigenetic Memory in Plants by Jose' Gutierrez-Marcos (WHRI)
Coventry House, Top Floor
Wed 12 Nov, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminar, Does bullying victimisation drive you crazy? by Dieter Wolke (Psychology)
MOAC Seminar Room, Top Floor Coventry House
Wed 19 Nov, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminars - The Battle of the Bulge - will the ARC triumph ?? by Marco van den Top (CSRI)
Coventry House, Top Floor
Wed 26 Nov, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Life, Death and Hydrogen Bonds by David Roper (Biological Sciences)
Coventry House, Top Floor
Wed 3 Dec, '08
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Systems Biology in a Plant Science Company by Stuart Dunbar (Syngenta)
Coventry House, Top Floor


Wed 14 Jan, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Dual models and inference in neutral population genetics models by Dario Spano' (Statistics)
Coventry House, Top Floor
Wed 21 Jan, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Endemic disease of livestock: epidemiology & context (economics, politics & law) by Graham Medley (Biol Sci and WMS)
MOAC Seminar Room
Graham Medley 21 Jan 2009
Wed 28 Jan, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar: Simultaneous estimation of seasonal trends, spatial dispersion and population size for closely monitored species by Chiara Mazzetta (Statistics)
MOAC Seminar Room, Coventry House
Wed 4 Feb, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminars: How proteins assemble – antibiotics and amyloid by Matthew Hicks (Chemistry)
MOAC Seminar Room


Wed 11 Feb, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminars - Characterizing Protein Post-translational Modifications by High Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry by Peter O'Connor (WCAS)
Coventry House, Top Floor
Wed 18 Feb, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar: Coupled Translation in Human Cells by Phillip Gould (Biological Sciences)
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 25 Feb, '09
DTCs Seminar : Incorporating mathematical analysis into biological data, by David Rand (WSB)
MOAC Seminar Room


Wed 4 Mar, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar - Switching on genes with blue light, by David A. Hodgson (Biological Sciences)
Coventry House, Top Floor
Wed 6 May, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar: trafficking of transmembrane proteins in hippocampal neurons by Sonia Correa (Biol Sci)
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 13 May, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar: Eggs, molluscs or algae? Computational approaches to biomineralisation, by Mark Rodger (Chemistry)
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 20 May, '09
No Seminar - Biology Postgraduate Symposium 2009
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 27 May, '09
Wed 3 Jun, '09
DTCs Weekly Seminar: Beauty and the Synchrotron by Mark Dowsett
MOAC Seminar Room
the seminar will discuss the role of advanced analytical techniques based on neutron and synchrotron facilities combined with real time chemical characterization in preserving and understanding museum artefacts.
Wed 10 Jun, '09
DTCs weekly seminars, By Ari Sadanandom - Ubiquitin and ubiquitin like proteins in stress signaling
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 17 Jun, '09
DTCs weekly seminar - John Aston (Statistics) - From Compartmental Models to Brain Images: Some Statistical Signal Detection in Positron Emission Tomography
MOAC Seminar Room
Wed 24 Jun, '09
DTCs weekly seminar - Prof Justin St John - The transmission of mitochondrial DNA
Wed 14 Oct, '09
MOAC's Research Profile: From the students
Wed 21 Oct, '09
Systems Biology DTC research profile: from the students
Wed 28 Oct, '09
David Quigley ‘Do molecular simulations actually mean anything?’
Wed 4 Nov, '09
Instead of the seminar: Exploring New Interfaces of Computer Science and Biology at Warwick
Wed 11 Nov, '09
Magnus Richardson
Wed 18 Nov, '09
Tim Jones 'The Role of Solar Power in a Low Carbon Society'

This year's program including future seminar titles and posters can be found on MOAC's online calendar.


Weekly Seminars

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