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Open Days

MOAC open days provide an opportunity for you to meet current students and staff in MOAC. They allow you to gain a fuller understanding of what MOAC can offer you.

The open days are designed for those who may be unsure about the possibilities of PhD study in Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences or Biological Sciences; those who wish to expand existing Chemical, Biological, Mathematical, Physical, or Computational knowledge into an innovative and practical arena; or those who wish to undertake PhD study, in the Sciences or Mathematics, and would like to explore opportunities available at Warwick.

Sign up to attend the next MOAC/MASC open day; applications are being taken for 2014 entry

11.00 Coffee and welcome
11.15 Introduction to the DTC
11.30 Opportunity to chat to current students and to take part in an interview
13.00 Lunch with current MOAC DTC students
13.45 Optional campus tours (and interviews cont.)
15.00 End
