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Funded Projects Involvement

Current and Previous Grants Involvements

>An efficient stable metal halide perovskite photovoltaic solar cell based on MHP/CNT hybrid architecture- EPSRC IAA Warwick Innovations, 2024-2025-PI (£75000)
>Enhancing Research Culture Fund - Showcasing Physics Research-Warwick Research Culture-2023-Co-I (£15000)Link opens in a new window
>Crystallography and Functional Evolution of Atomically Thin Confined Nanowires (CRAFTINNANO)- EPSRC-2018-2023-Named Researcher (£1.2M-PI J. Sloan)
>Advanced Devices by ElectroPlaTing (ADEPT)> EPSRC- 2016-2018-Named Researcher
>Complex Nanostructures by Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition (SCFED)- EPSRC-203-2016-Named Researcher (£6.5M)
>Warwick Centre for Analystcal Science (WCAS)
>Nanocrystals As a Route to Silicon Optics (NCRSO)
>Silicon Emission Technologies Based on Nanocrystals (SETBN)

Research Facility grants

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - Grenoble- Co-I

>XAFS and XRD of Inorganic Materials Confined in Carbon Nanotubes Co-ILink opens in a new window

EPSRC Advanced Microscopy Facility - Daresbury

>Spectroscopic Imaging of CsSnI3 Nanowire in Single Walled Nano Tubes-PILink opens in a new window
>EELS Study of Local Atomic Order in Multi-A-Site Rare Earth Chromites-PILink opens in a new window

Diamond Light Source is the UK's National Synchrotron Facility

>The Local Structure of Inorganic Materials Confined in Carbon Nanotubes-PILink opens in a new window

Other Funding

>Enhancing Research Culture Fund - Showcasing Physics Research-Co-ILink opens in a new window