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Proceedings for CKM2010 have been published using eConf as C100906.

Please use the LaTeX template (you may also need the files econfmacros.tex and magnet.eps, and you may want to see the pdf output of the example). You may modify the template to use pdflatex if you prefer.

All talks

  • Page limit of 1 page per five minutes plus 1 (e.g. 10 minutes ↔ 3 pages; 12 minutes ↔ 4 pages, etc.) One extra (bonus) page for plenary talks. 12 point font as specified in the template. This limit does not include the title page (which should state "Proceedings of CKM2010, the 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, University of Warwick, UK, 6-10 September 2010"), but does include everything else (bibliography, figures, any appendices, etc.) Note that the page limit is a maximum - you are welcome to write fewer pages.
  • After your contribution is approved (see below), upload to stating "Proceedings of CKM2010, the 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, University of Warwick, UK, 6-10 September 2010" in the comments field. Then email with the arXiv identifier (once known).
  • Please also add a link to your proceedings next to the corresponding talk in the INDICO agenda.

Working group talks

  • Prepare draft proceedings by 10 December 2010
  • Send to your working group conveners informing them of any prior review (e.g. inside an experimental collaboration)
  • They will make suggestions for revisions ("light touch" review)
  • Aim to have all working group talks reviewed and submitted to arXiv by 14 January 2011

Joint session talks

  • As above, substituting "joint session conveners" for "working group conveners"

Plenary talks

  • Prepare draft proceedings by 14 January 2011
  • Send to; will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee
  • Aim to have all plenary talks reviewed and submitted to arXiv by 25 February 2011

Working group summaries

  • Page limit - 10 pages (per working group). Co-authored by all conveners of each working group.
  • Prepare draft summaries by 14 January 2011
  • Send to; will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee
  • Aim to have all summaries reviewed and submitted to arXiv by 25 February 2011

List of proceedings

N.B. All proceedings are available from arXiv and are linked from the conference INDICO page. You can find them collected in one place on SPIRES (CNUM C10-09-06) or eConf.

Opening plenary

Working Group I - Precise determination of Vud and Vus

Working Group II - Determination of Vub, Vcb, Vcs and Vcd through inclusive and exclusive semileptonic B and D decays

Working Group III - Rare B, D and K decays

Working Group IV - Determination of Vtd, Vts and Vtb including phases by direct measurements and using oscillations

Working Group V - γ (ϕ3) and related measurements

Working Group VI - Angles from penguin dominated Bs/d decays

Joint session on CKM fits and New Physics

Plenary tribute to Nicola Cabibbo


Closing plenary