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Transferable Skills for Science, Engineering and Medicine

Transferable Skills for Science, Engineering and Medicine

Bookings in SkillsForge for 2024/25 academic year are now open.

Transferable Postgraduate Skills

These courses are free, fun and for you!

Yes seriously they are! These modules also:

  • provide tangible and measurable benefits for your career and professional development
  • enhance your key inter and cross-disciplinary scientific research skills
  • help you to develop new social skills, friendships and networks
  • get you accreditation for your time!

Our facilitators are experts both in their academic fields and in student development. The training covers Centres for Doctoral Training and departments in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

More on why transferable skills are important

science students collaborating using many skills and technologies

PG Certificate in Transferable Skills

The PGCTSS is an accredited qualification for successful doctoral researchers undertaking world-leading research

Professional recognition


The Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science has been accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of Biology and the Institute of Physics. Our programme maps onto Chartered Chemist, Chartered Biologist and Chartered Physicist status. You can find all the relevant information for PhD students and PostDocs here.

News and Events

HowtoPhD.showLink opens in a new window 

How to PhD is the show dedicated to sharing those key, practical skills for PhD success. Join Dr Arun Ulahannan and Dr Julia Gauly, as they share everything they wish they had known before starting our PhDs!