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Warwick Researchers Lead the Way in Developing Sustainable Alternatives to Plastics

Researchers at The University of Warwick have made significant progress in the search for sustainable alternatives to conventional plastics. In response to growing environmental concerns, the move towards a circular economy and changing consumer preferences, the research team has identified that certain mixtures of small organic molecules form interesting glasses and viscous liquids. These so-called organic eutectics are promising candidates for replacing polymers in various products.

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New sleep apnoea diagnostic device could slash waiting times and improve quality of life

A new diagnostic device could help those who experience sleep apnoea get a quicker diagnosis and an improved quality of life.

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a sleep problem which causes the airway to become slightly or completely blocked during sleep. The brain, detecting low blood oxygen levels, sends signals that cause the person to wake up, restoring normal breathing.

Research Collaborationresearch collaboration

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Games are the Secret to Learning Maths and Statistics

Games may be the secret to learning numbers based subjects like maths and economics, according to new research.

Many students say they struggle with subjects like economics and statistics, with 83 per cent of university courses in these subjects taught using a traditional lecturing approach.

However, new research has shown that by including games in the teaching of these subjects, student achievement and satisfaction can be significantly increased, with numbers of students failing their course cut significantly.

Research CentresResearch centres

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