Our RTPs
Our RTPs provide an integrated network of world-class technologies needed to carry out outstanding research. Our facilities are available both for researchers at Warwick and for our external partners from industry and academia.
External/Industry users can access the RTP's through WSS. In the first instance all enquires for RTP access should be made by contacting Ian Hancox(Technology Engagement Manager) via email: I dot hancox at warwick dot ac dot uk or Telephone: 02476 150380.
The RTP brochure provides information on the RTP's available here at the University of Warwick
Contact Us
For further information on the Biological Services Unit RTP (BSU):
Email: Biotech4@warwick.ac.uk
For further information on Research Computing:
Email us on research-computing@warwick.ac.uk or use the enquiry form (Warwick sign-in required).
For further information on Research Technology Platforms (RTPs):
Follows us on Twitter:
@RTP_Warwick on Twitter