Science in Schools & Colleges
Science in Schools & Colleges
The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine (SEM) is an exciting and growing part of the University of Warwick. Our excellent departments, schools and research centresLink opens in a new window offer a variety of outreach and widening participation activities and projects specially designed for students, teachers and parents.
On these pages, you can learn more about university life and the student experience. You can also access online resources, which will tell you more about studying STEM subjects at Warwick.
These pages are designed to give you guidance and information on the departments with the Faculty, in particular on what outreach support we provide, how you can visit us or we can engage with you, as well as providing resources linked to science specific interests and events.
STEMM Menu of ActivityLink opens in a new window
Throughout the year we provide opportunities for school groups to visit our campus, to receive a visit to their school, to access online resources and much more. Click here to explore and sign up to events and activities from a variety of Warwick's STEM departments. We can't wait to see you!
Teacher and Adviser ResourcesLink opens in a new window
In this section you will find some useful links and resources on STEM related topics. We provide links to department information, downloadable resources, as well as helpful links.
Useful Links
The Widening Participation and Outreach team at Warwick Link opens in a new windowinspire young people and maximise their potential through unique opportunities in school and on campus.
The Student Recruitment team at WarwickLink opens in a new window deliver schools visits, Open Days, talks and presentations and attend school/college fairs.
Women in ScienceLink opens in a new window
Find out more about our amazing female staff and students who strive to promote Women in Science. Here you will find videos finding out about their journeys to where they are today, useful resources that you can use, as well as links to events promoting our Women in Science.
Student StoriesLink opens in a new window
Click through to hear from some of our current students from within the Faculty. They share their journeys and stories about studying at Warwick and highlight top tips for future students.
Contextual Admissions InformationLink opens in a new window
Our contextual offer approach considers educational and individual context to provide a rounded understanding of academic potential and achievement, ensuring we fully consider talented applicants from all backgrounds.