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Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Sat 19 Jul, '25
From Solar to Horsepower

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Saturday, July 19.

An interactive session focussing on solar power - and how we can use it as clean energy

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Coding with Sophie

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

Coding with Sophie Coding Club

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Taking a chance

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

An interactive workshop exploring probability as well as reasoning about uncertainty.

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Ice, Ice, Baby!

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

A session focused on ice - so simple, and yet to complicated. Why does that matter - and, can you build an ice crystal?

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Dinosaur Hunters

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

Looking at skulls and bones; Code crackers (for confident readers); Measuring Dinosaurs.

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Big Data and Coin Flipping: an Intro to University Mathematics

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

A workshop on studying mathematics at university and on research in statistics.

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Why Chemistry?

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

A lecture that discusses what "doing Chemistry" actually means in 2023 - and why it is worth studying Chemistry as a University Degree

Mon 25 Sept, '23 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
Rumour Mill

Runs from Monday, September 25 to Thursday, July 31.

An interactive workshop on mathematical modelling in epidemiology.

Mon 5 Aug, '24 - Thu 31 Jul, '25
2:34pm - 12am
Data Explorers

Runs from Monday, August 05 to Thursday, July 31.

Interactive workshop on data patterns and predictions.

Tue 1 Jul, '25 - Sun 31 Aug, '25
Warwick Medical School Work Experience

Runs from Tuesday, July 01 to Sunday, August 31.

Lab-based work experiences for secondary school students
