Smart Cities: Big Opportunities, big challenges
Title: Smart Cities: Big opportunities, big challenges
Date: 9 November 2017 at 3pm - room OC1.07 Oculus Building
Abstract: Smart cities attempt to make the movement of people and goods safer, greener and more equitable. For example, the Columbus Smart City Project is reinventing mobility to provide better access to jobs and healthcare, more efficient logistics, greater connectivity for residents and visitors, and more sustainable transportation. However, smart cities can also lead to unintended consequences such as increased vehicle miles traveled, higher pollution, more urban sprawl, higher social inequities, and segregated roadways that are unfriendly to pedestrians and cyclists. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the Columbus Smart City Project and discuss the science behind why smart cities can have bad as well as good outcomes. I will also talk about the new data sources and urban science that can shape smart cities toward better outcomes.