Lecture 5
Statistical models in R
David Firth
13 September 2017
Linear model as a basic exemplar
A template for lots of models for dependence of a variable (the response variable) upon other variables (the explanatory or predictor variables): multiple linear regression.
mymodel <- lm(my.response ~ my.predictor1 + my.predictor2, data = mydata)
The ingredients here are:
: the name I am giving to the resulting model object that will be stored in my current R workspacemydata
: the data frame wherelm()
should look first for the variables used in my modelmy.response
: the ‘response’ or ‘outcome’ variable. (What SPSS would often call the dependent variable.)my.predictor1
etc.: the explanatory or predictor variables for the model- ~: means roughly is modelled as a function of
: takes the effects ofmy.predictor1
to be additive
: calls the R function needed to specify and fit a linear model by least squares.
In mathematical notation, this model looks like \[ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + e_i \qquad(i=1,...n) \] where \(e_i\) is the ‘error’. (By default, the errors are assumed to have constant variance.)
Linear model: Other commonly used arguments to lm()
The above template can be modified by further arguments to lm()
. The most commonly used of these are:
: specify a vector of case-weights. Useful for situations where error variances are known to be unequal but their ratios are known.- e.g., measurements come from 2 different instruments, one of which is known to have 10% more variance than the other:
weights = 1/(1 + (0.1 * (instrument == "less_accurate"))
. The weights should be proportional to 1/variance.
- e.g., measurements come from 2 different instruments, one of which is known to have 10% more variance than the other:
: specify a subset of the data to be used (the remainder being ignored).- For example,
subset = (gender == "female")
- For example,
A model formula can include all sorts of predictor!
Examples are:
factors: categorical predictors such as gender, race, …
interactions: if the effect of
might be different at different levels ofp2
, consider the interactionp1 : p2
polynomials: for example, to fit a quadratic \(y = x + x^2 + e\), use as model formula
y ~ x + I(x^2)
. The wrapperI()
is needed here because otherwise R would interpretx^2
to mean the same thing asx:x
(which by convention is the same as justx
). -
spline functions: various forms of spline function are implemented. Among the simplest to use are B-splines and natural cubic splines. With
loaded, such spline functions can be used in a model formula via terms such asbs(x)
Standard operations on a model object
What we should want to know first, after fitting a model to data, is:
- does the model fit the data?
- can the model be improved?
The key here is to look (in whatever ways we can think of) at the model’s residuals. The plot()
function applied to a model object is a good place to start with this. If the model is a good model and cannot be improved, then it should not be possible to find any systematic patterns in the residuals.
Once a model is found that fits the data well, interest then shifts to:
- What does the model say about my research question(s)? This typically is answered through:
- parameter estimates, and confidence intervals for the parameter(s) of interest
- hypothesis tests
Part of the art of modelling is to try to encompass your research question in a model parameter, or at most a small number of model parameters.
Beyond linear models
Linear models will not be appropriate for some commonly encountered types of response variable, including:
- categorical response variables (use logistic regression, probit regression, etc.; and multi-category versions of these)
- counts (typically use log-linear models based on the Poisson or negative binomial distributions)
- failure-time or ‘survival’ data (use proportional hazards models or accelerated failure-time models).
And sometimes linearity just won’t do the job, even on another scale such as logit or probit, because the effects being studied are inherently non-linear.
R provides a huge array of alternative modelling possibilities.
These include:
for all generalized linear models (includes logistic regression, log-linear models, etc.)gam()
(from the recommendedmgcv
package) which fits generalized additive models, very flexible models based on spline functions- the
package (for time-to-event data, typically with censoring) - the
function for least-squares fitting of nonlinear regression models, and thegnm
package for generalized nonlinear models
— and many, many more!
A small (artificial) example
Just to demonstrate that even seemingly simple linear models need care, in formulation and interpretation.
Here are some data:
with(mydata, plot(x, y))
We are interested in how \(y\) depends on \(x\).
Let’s fit a linear model:
model1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = mydata)
with(mydata, plot(x, y))
Let’s look next at the residuals: