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Self Assessment Group Membership

The current members of the Self Assessment Team are:

  • Professor Kerry Kirwan (Chair)
  • Jane Coleman (Director of Administration, Operations & HR) - Chair of the Welfare and Communications Group and member of the Operational Executive Group
  • Professor Claire Davis
  • Dr Andy McGordon (Principal Engineer)
  • Dr Melanie Loveridge (Associate Professor)
  • Shaheen Charlwood (Senior Teaching Fellow)
  • Nancy Olson (Senior Teaching Fellow)
  • Dr Stuart Coles (Associate Professor)
  • Catherine Gordon (Senior Adminstrator)
  • Beth Middleton (Resaerch Fellow)
  • Nadia Kourra (Research Fellow)
  • Sue Horner (HR Officer)
  • Eve Wheeler-Jones (Post graduate research student)
  • Jane Shepherd (Project and Administrative Co-ordinator) - Secretary to the Athena Swan SAT; Welfare & Communications Group; E&D Representative and WMG Communications Champion