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Just because you’ve graduated, doesn’t mean you’re no longer part of WMG. Our alumni are part of the WMG community and wherever you are in the world, you’re probably not too far away from a WMG connection.

Whether you want to keep in touch with friends, develop your professional network, support future students, or just like to know the latest news, there are lots of things you can do…


Apply to become a University of Warwick Ambassador

Each year our global alumni community is growing - why not get involved and become an alumni ambassador? Contact to registering your interest in becoming an Ambassador and to find out how you can get involved.

You can help us to develop opportunities, events, and become a valuable point of contact within your region for WMG alumni.

WMG & Alumni events

Alumni event - Nigeria You are welcome to attend any WMG events in your field of interest or expertise. Keep an eye on our events calendar and we look forward to seeing you.

We also hold special events for our alumni community, in the UK and overseas, giving you the opportunity to network, share information and meet new and old friends. Information will be posted via social media and in the events calendar.

If you are interested in organising your own event, please contact Karen Down at to discuss your ideas.

Keep in touch on social media

Follow our accounts to keep up to date with the latest news and developments




  • @wmgwarwick

