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MSc in Service Management and Design

Effectively manage the combination of organisations, people, technologies, and information needed to deliver value to your customers and stay ahead of the competition.


What will the course provide?

As many companies are being driven to change their business models to include services to retain commercial advantage, there is a need for strong leadership that blends multidisciplinary expertise.

You will learn the systems and techniques used to manage service industries and to create value in the business across suppliers and within industry processes

This course will show you how to take a ‘systems’ view of services in relation to your product; considering design, development, delivery, maintenance and eventual replacement, and the management of services to deliver long term value to the customer.

You will develop the skills and knowledge to be able to:

  • Throughly understand customer needs, be able to manage business performance through the development of personal awareness/capabilities for managing services.
  • Understand the importance of experience and value to all stakeholders and be able to create a stakeholder map and use it to inform service design or redesign.
  • Develop awareness of excellence in service from a variety of sectors from across the globe.
  • Understand the lifecycle of service systems and have a working knowledge of tools, techniques and trends for service design and management.
  • Understanding the principles of selling services and the implications on structuring a service organisation.
  • Gain the theoretical knowledge to understand and explain the emergent behaviour of systems and recognise the importance of data, process control and measures to drive the right behaviour.
  • Appreciate costing techniques and the implications of networks of value and lifecycle cost models to make the right decisions.
  • Have awareness of information systems and enabling technologies for service.


Core modules

Highlights what is different and special about managing “Service” projects, companies, programmes and the tools and techniques used in the design and management of service in industries such as banking, finance or healthcare. Demonstrates where tools, techniques and processes applicable to one sector may be of use in the other. The course will also address how and why a manufacturing company can transform itself into a services company.

Understand the technologies available to both deliver and support service. The secondary level of technological support in terms of information systems and global business implications will also be covered.

Understand the basic accounting principles, terminology and techniques required to enable you to interpret financial reports and management accounting practices. Contribute to departmental financial planning and control.


Elective modules

You will need to select a further six modules to make a total of nine.

See the full list of postgraduate modules to view further details


Operations Centre

"Service Science is a new field that is of the utmost importance to the world. With so much of global GDP being service-related, it is essential that we drive improved effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability in the delivery of services. There is therefore a need for people who can apply a unique combination of skills, knowledge and experience to this emerging field; people who can coordinate global resources of all kinds in the delivery of services, people who can identify and deliver a continuous stream of innovation in service systems in a repeatable and scientific way.”

Peter Ward
Client Technical Advisor Programme Manager, North East Europe, IBM