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WMG in the Media

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Electric vehicle industry - E4tech

Electric vehicle industry (, 10 July 2018)

EV battery industry could be worth £2.7 billion per yearLink opens in a new window (, 16 July 2018)

Firms set to benefit from UK's batteries push says reportLink opens in a new window (, 5th July 2018)

Electric vehicle battery industry (Tyres and Accessories Report, 1st August 2018)

Electric vehicle battery industryLink opens in a new window (, 13th August 2018)

Four transport projects receive millions in innovation funding

UK CITE - 2nd phase

UK CITE projectLink opens in a new window (, 3rd July 2018)

UK CITE projectLink opens in a new window (, 4th July 2018)

Testing of connected cars welcomedLink opens in a new window (, 4th July 2018)

UK CITE phase 2Link opens in a new window (, 29th June 2018)

UK CITELink opens in a new window (, 5th July 2018)

UK CITE - live testing (Highways Today, 18th August 2018)

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 12:32 | Tags: Energy Systems Partnerships Research

Sales of electric cars

Sales of electric cars - comment from Professor David GreenwoodLink opens in a new window (, 30 June 2018)

Electric cars boomLink opens in a new window (, 30th June 2018)

Electric car boomLink opens in a new window (, 30th June 2018)

Electric car boomLink opens in a new window (, 29th June 2018)

Energy giant bets on electric car boomLink opens in a new window (, 29th June 2018)

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 12:23 | Tags: David Greenwood Energy Systems

WMG hosts Design and Make challenge

MAN schools challengeLink opens in a new window (, 18 July 2018)

Midlands engineers of the future at first ever MAN eventLink opens in a new window (, 18th July 2018)

Engineering award delight for students (Coventry Telegraph, 23 July 2018)

Welsh engineers of the future star at design challengeLink opens in a new window (, 24 July 2018)

Engineers of the futureLink opens in a new window (, 19 July 2018)

Engineers of the futureLink opens in a new window (, 18th July 2018)

Engineers of the futureLink opens in a new window (, 19th July 2018)

Engineers of the futureLink opens in a new window (, 1st August 2018)

Design and make challenge ( Machinery Market, 2 August 2018)

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 11:41 | Tags: Partnerships Public engagement STEM

Interview with Lord Bhattacharyya

Interview with Lord BhattacharyyaLink opens in a new window (, 18th July 2018)

Interview with Lord BhattacharyyaLink opens in a new window (, 18th July 2018)

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 11:28 | Tags: Lord Bhattacharyya

BBC Radio 4 Today programme

BBC Radio 4 Today programmeLink opens in a new window (, 19th July 2018)

Available for 29 days from 19th July.

WMG Academy student wins wheelchair design

WMG Academy student wins wheelchair designLink opens in a new window (, 28th June 2018)

Tue 03 Jul 2018, 10:02 | Tags: WMG Academy

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