Business Transformation Projects
Current Projects:
Innovative End-to-end Management of Dynamic Manufacturing Networks (IMAGINE)
Funders: European Commission
Team: E-Business (Dr Jay Bal)
IMAGINE addresses the need of modern manufacturing enterprises for a novel end-to-end management of dynamic manufacturing networks and will develop a multi-party collaboration platform for innovative, responsive manufacturing that encompasses globally distributed partners, suppliers and production facilities (SMEs and/or OEMs) that jointly conduct multi-party manufacturing. The West Midlands Collaborative Commerce Market (WMCCM) marketplace is acting as one of the IMAGINE living labs, focusing on challenges and requirements of SMEs within the engineering domain. IMAGINE website...
User experience research for NHS Local: A digital health service for the West Midlands
Funders: Strategic Health Authority; NHS
Team: Digital Innovation (Prof Lucy Hooberman)
Through this research project, WMG (in collaboration with Maverick Television and Warwick Medical School) is providing user experience research to inform the design of digital products and services, including audience segmentation, user journeys and usability testing. This research project is currently testing a citizen's capacity to understand and use NHS digital tools to choose and rate hospitals and GP surgeries.
20 Years of the BBC Online
Funders: BBC, WMG
Team: Digital Innovation (Prof Lucy Hooberman)
Ten two-hour oral history interviews charting the history of the BBC as it moves onto the internet.
New Economic Models in the Digital Economy Network (NEMODE)
Funders: Research Councils UK
Team: Service Systems (Prof Irene Ng)
This is an initiative to bring together communities to explore new economic models in the Digital Economy. The primary objective is the development of a network of academics and practitioners for the purpose of co-creating knowledge of New Economic Models (NEM) emerging from the Digital Economy (DE). The network aims to inform policy and engage with businesses to stimulate ideas and enable them to take advantage of the opportunities created by today's technologies. Find out more about NEMODE >>
Sense-making Representation of a Technologically-Enabled Society (SeRTES)
Funders: EPSRC
Team: Service Systems (Prof Irene Ng)
The SeRTES project has delivered a visualisation tool showing how entities, individuals, institutions, laws and risks dynamically interact in the digital realm. The research has also shown how entities, links and flows can be extracted via visualisation to allow 'non-obvious' representation that is parsimonious and powerful. It is now working to deliver augmented reality-based visualisations, plus a teenagers' book and school workshops on the risks of the internet. Find out more about SeRTES >>
Home Hub-of-all-Things (HAT) as Platform for Multi-sided Market Powered by Internet of Things: Opportunities for New Economic and Business Models
Funders: EPSRC
Team: Service Systems (Prof Irene Ng)
Launched in June 2013, HAT will create a Market Platform for the home. By collecting information from a select group of volunteers through the use of sensors on objects as well as existing connected devices in their homes, the project will deliver insights of unprecedented depth and breadth into how we live our lives in relation to the things and people around us. The richness of this data will allow the research team to explore dependencies between industries such as medicine, entertainment, energy and food, facilitating the creation of almost limitless new business models and data-driven innovation for software, appliances and objects within the home.
Find out more about HAT >>