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Optimal Design of the Busbar in a High Power Inverter

Optimal Design of the Busbar in a High Power Inverter

Research Group Activity

Power Electronics

Project Description

This project will address the issue of the voltage overshoot and the EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) issues in power electronic converters used in electric vehicle applications. In high power inverters, a busbar is used which is a metallic strip or bar carrying a large amount of current. The inductance of the busbar has a critical effect on electrical, thermal, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performances in converters. Therefore, the low stray inductance laminated busbar, as a state-of-the-art interface, is widely used in high-power inverters. Although, the primary concern associated with the busbar is the stray inductance, but a good busbar design should not only consider the stray inductance but also the thermal performance. For example, the insulating material used in the laminated busbar and the close proximity between the conducting layers decrease the inductance but increase the mutual thermal coupling. Therefore, a good busbar design offers an optimisation between all the above aspects The aim of this project is to provide an optimal laminated busbar design considering all these aspects. For the mechanical design of the laminated busbar, SOLIDWORKS may be used. For the electrothermal and electromagnetic analysis, ANSYS and/or COMSOL Multiphysics will be used. It is anticipated that the designed busbar will be manufactured in the engineering workshop and will be used in the experimental rig. It is important to highlight that several models will have been available by the time the student starts and he/she will build his/her work upon these. The actual work of the student will be followed by a report which may be used in a research article.

This is an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to build his/her career in power electronics. Also, this is a good opportunity for someone who is interested to have some experience in publishing research papers. The successful candidate will be a part of the PEATER group within the School of Engineering.

Student Level

Open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students


This project requires attendance at a lab or office on campus

Skills you can learn from this project

As a part of this project, the student will learn how to do complete a multidisciplinary research project successfully within a timeframe and in a team environment. More importantly, working as a part of the PEATER group will prepare the student for his/her independent research work or PhD. The successful candidate will be able to gain in-depth knowledge of the power electronic system of the electric vehicle and relevant practical skills. Also, the successful candidate may get the opportunity to interact with the industrial partners.

Required Skills

Essential skills needed:

1) Familiarity with 3D design package, preferably SOLIDWORKS.

2) Familiarity with ANSYS or COMSOL Multiphysics or willingness to learn these packages quickly.

3) Basic knowledge about power electronics

Desirable skills needed:

1) Practical knowledge about building a power electronic converter.

2) First principles-based techniques to obtain the inductance of a busbar.

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Project Team


Dr Khaled Choudhury