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Web-based tools for health IT infrastructures agile and assured development

Research Group Activity

The Institute of Digital Healthcare (IDH) does cross-discipline research in e-Health, including large IT infrastructures, which use big data as well as AI approaches to enable new ways of managing health conditions and well-being. IDH staff come from various backgrounds including clinical, engineering and computer science.

Project Description

The project will develop a web based application, which will facilitate agile and safe development of health IT and medical device software. This will include a database where all the development information, and a simple use interface that will allow users to interact with the database. The project will use technologies such as Mongo DB, SQL, Python, MDE and REST.

Required Skills

The intern should be comfortable with object-oriented programming. Experience with the specific technologies is desired but not required if the candidate is comfortable learning them. There will guidance and input on the research-specific aspects of the project.

Apply for this Project

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Project Team

George Despotou

Dr George Despotou