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Capabilities to Succeed in the Digital Age

We are on the cusp of the 4th Industrial Revolution, a cyber-physical or digital age. It is an age in which materials and machines are inter-connected within the internet of things (IoT), where everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data. There is much focus on the technological aspects of this revolution, but technology alone will not guarantee success in the digital age.

In conjunction with ADS, this event explored the role that advanced manufacturing and operational capabilities play in supporting the adoption of cyber-physical systems in the UK aerospace industry. It also explored the interaction capabilities required to enable High Value Manufacturing (HVM) SMEs to grow their business with larger customers. Practical insight was gained through case studies of two aerospace companies undergoing a digital transformation.


jan_godsell.jpgProfessor Jan Godsell joined WMG in October 2013 from her prior position of Senior Lecturer at Cranfield University School of Management.
Professor Godsell's career has been split between both industry and academia. She joined the faculty of Cranfield in 2001, following the completion of her Executive MBA there. She also completed her PhD at Cranfield, researching the development of a customer responsive supply chain.

Prior to her return to academia, Professor Godsell developed a successful career within industry, beginning at ICI/Zeneca Pharmaceuticals. Following this, she worked up to senior management level at Dyson, in both Supply Chain and Operations Management functions. At Dyson, she undertook a number of operational and process improvement roles within R&D, customer logistics, purchasing and manufacturing.

Professor Godsell is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the IMechE. She is on the board and scientific committee of EurOMA (European Operations Management Association), the cabinet of the UK roundtable of CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals) and the manufacturing steering committee of the IMechE. She is on the editorial board of 3 journals, including the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and she is an advocate for improving the uptake of STEM subjects by school children.

sha_akubar.jpgSha Abubakar spent 23 years in the technology industry, a majority of which were in senior roles in product and service development, programme management, and business strategy. Prior to enrolling at WMG for her PhD study in 2015, Sha was the Director of Delivery Management Office at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia; having been seconded from IBM, where she was the Director of Strategic Initiatives. Sha completed the MSc. in e-Business Management at WMG in 2005 and BCA Accounting in 1991.

kostas_photo.jpgKonstantinos (Kostas) Efthymiou works as a Technical Architect for Meggitt PLC, leading the technical activities of digital manufacturing projects and being responsible for the technical management of the M4 programme, Meggitt’s intelligent manufacturing initiative. His main expertise lies in the field of analysis, design and management of manufacturing systems with Virtual Factory Tools, Knowledge Management Approaches and Advanced Statistical Analysis.

He is a Chartered Engineer, member of the IMechE and of the Technical Chamber of Greece. He has more than 30 publications in international scientific journals and refereed conferences and his work has been cited more than 350 times. He received a PhD in Engineering (2013) and a Diploma (MSc) in Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics from the University of Patras, Greece (2008).

mark_summers_avpe.jpgMark Summers is a Chartered Management Accountant with over 30 years’ experience gained in a variety of finance, operational and commercial leadership roles within the engineering and financial services sectors. Most recently Mark has been interviewed by the BBC News, Radio 4’s World at One and the FT discussing the potential impact of Brexit

Zakiah SuhaimiZakiah Suhaimi is a final year PhD student. Her research aims to increase SMEs' participation in global market, particularly, by looking at interaction capabilities.

Prior to her PhD, she had worked with MNCs such as Freescale Semiconductor and Nestle Manufacturing, where she was responsible to provide a weekly plan for production to execute. As a planner, she had to liaise with different levels of management from operator to managing director. This has allowed her to develop effective communication skills.