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Digital supply chain readiness: How ready is your organisation?

This session presented the findings of a recent study conducted in conjunction with JDA that looks at the digital supply chain readiness of over 170 European companies; identifying the strategic gaps and opportunities.

We are on the cusp of a new era in our industrialisation, as organisations seek to harness the opportunities that digitisation and connectivity bring. Good supply chain management is critical to deliver customers with the products and services they want, when they want them, at lowest possible supply chain cost. It is fundamental to business success. Will the adoption of digital technologies revolutionise our supply chains and the way we deliver value to our customers, or will it be more of an evolution?

Event Output

To download the supporting presentation, click here.
To download the JDA/WMG Digital Report, click here.

Interview with Hans-Georg Kaltenbrunner, JDA 

Interview with Jan Godsell, WMG

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