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Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Adoption of Next Generation

Processing Technologies in the Ceramics and Glass Industries 

Thursday, 30th November 2023, 9:30 - 14:30

Location: University of Warwick

Link - Overcoming Barriers to Digital Technology Adoption - YouTube

The ceramic and glass sectors are energy intensive, consuming ~4.7 TWh and 9 GWh of delivered energy per year, respectively. In 2012, for example, the total annual CO2 emissions from both ceramics and glass sectors were 1.2Mt CO2-eq and 2.2Mt CO2-eq respectively. Both sectors constitute a core part of the supply chain for numerous important markets for the UK, putting in substantial strives to reduce CO2 emissions and improve resource efficiency. Nonetheless, additional effort is required towards net zero transitioning in both sectors. Next Generation Processing Technologies (NGPTs), new technologies that provide high energy efficiency and process intensification supported by transformative digital technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital twins, the Internet of Things, 3-D printing, cloud computing), are touted as key enablers for achieving climate and carbon neutrality in both sectors. However, there are challenges to overcome to realise the full potential of NGPTs towards enabling net zero emissions in both sectors. At the University of Warwick, we have been researching these challenges and how the identified barriers may be overcome.

Funded by the EPSRC Transforming the Foundation Industries Network Plus (TFINetwork+) and EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), and supported by the Materials Processing Institute (MPI), Lucideon Ltd and Morgan Advanced Materials, this in-person workshop will bring together stakeholders from both ceramics and glass sectors, to discuss the research project findings on the barriers to adopting NGPTs across the value chain of both sectors. By leveraging the views and perceptions of key glass and ceramics stakeholders, the workshop seeks to deepen the understanding of the contextual interactions and interdependencies among the identified barriers in the interplay between NGPTs and net zero transitioning. This will provide unique insights for targeted intervention options prioritization, leading to the development of a pathway to overcome the barriers.

Workshop details:

Date: 30th November 2023.

Venue: Warwick Conferences – Radcliffe: University of Warwick, Scarman Road, Lakeside Village, Warwick, CV4 7SH, United Kingdom – parking available on site. - Directions

Cost: Free.

Contact Information: If you need any further information regarding arrangements for the event, please contact Tracy Smith at For technical enquiries about the research project, please contact the WMG, University of Warwick research project team via


Project Team:

Dr Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed, Associate Professor in Sustainable Systems Engineering, Project Lead

Dr Claire Dancer, Reader in Ceramics, Project Co-Investigator

Nikos Katsanakis, PhD Candidate and Project Engineer

Amina Mohammed, Data Analyst

Final Workshop Schedule

09:00-09:30 Registration of participants, networking (coffee and tea)

09:30-10:00 Welcome address and introductions (Sarah Wilson and Dr Claire Dancer)

10:00-10:30 Presentation of Project Research Findings (Nikos Katsanakis and Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed)

10:30-10:45 Coffee and tea break

10:45-11:15 Discussion on validity of barriers (facilitated by the researchers)

11:15-12:00 Working session on interactions of barriers in ceramics and glass industries (I)

12:00-13:00 Buffet Lunch at Lakeside Village restaurant, Radcliffe

13:00-14:00 Working session on interactions of barriers in ceramics and glass industries (II)

14:00-14:30 Summary/end of workshop

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