WMG Summer Internships FAQ

WMG Summer Internships
Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains frequently asked questions from students applying for the summer internships.
If you have a question not listed here, please email us:
Do I have to be on campus to participate in the internships?
This year, we have a mix of projects that can be completed remotely or are lab/office-based and require attendance on campus during the project. It should be clear in most cases from the project description whether the project requires physical attendance but don't hesitate to contact the supervisor to confirm.
Can I work outside of the UK for the hybrid/fully remote projects?
Due to the bursary conditions and research ethics, you must remain in the UK when completing the internship. Projects requiring ethical approval dictate that you must be located in the UK when collecting data.
How will the hybrid projects work?
For projects marked as 'hybrid', you can discuss with the project lead how you split your time between remote work and on-campus work. For example, they may request that you be on campus twice a week; they may also be open to working in blocks of time, e.g., four weeks on campus, four weeks remote.
Project application
Can I apply for more than one project?
Yes, it is possible to apply for more than one internship project from the list. However, we recommend not taking a broad-brush approach and applying for many projects. Instead, choose the ones that you are genuinely interested in and focus on submitting a good-quality application.
Can I propose a project?
No, only the listed projects can be applied for. You may discuss with the supervisor if there's some flexibility in the direction or requirements of the project listed.
What costs am I expected to cover?
The bursary is expected to cover your living costs, including accommodation and travel costs (including car parking). You will not be expected to cover costs for any necessary safety equipment.
Will I have to provide my own laptop?
This will depend on the project, for example, some of the projects utilise software only available on WMG machines. WMG laptops are made available where required.
I am a Master's student, can I apply for a project?
If you are an integrated Master's student, i.e. on a 4/5 year degree with an MEng (or similar), and you are returning in the Autumn term, then you can apply.
If you already have a degree or will graduate with a degree this summer, then you are not eligible to receive the stipend and hence cannot apply for the internships.
I am an international student, am I eligible?
Yes, you can apply as long as you have a UK bank account. Please remember that due to bursary conditions, you must remain in the UK whilst completing the internship, even for remote projects.
Do the eight weeks have to be completed in one block?
No, you can agree with your supervisor when you complete their eight weeks. For example, you can split your eight weeks over the summer vacation if you have a pre-booked holiday.
However, be mindful that payments are triggered at the project's start and end dates.
When/how will I be paid?
You will be paid in two equal instalments. The first payment is triggered on your start date, and the second payment is triggered on your end date. You will be responsible for submitting the payment request. The processing time taken for payments can vary between 4-6 weeks. Please bear this in mind to cover living costs.
Successful applicants
How will I know if I have been successful?
After the closing date, the project supervisors receive all of their project applications, create a shortlist of candidates, and contact each one directly with interview details.
After the selection process, the project supervisors will contact you again to confirm if you have been successful. If you are successful, they will inform WMG HR, who will arrange your induction.