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IIT Scheme

In 2016 WMG is offering 5 short summer internships for BTech students studying at IIT Kharagpur and IIT Bhubaneswar. Candidates are put forward by the IITs and will attend an 8 week internship here at WMG. The aim of the scheme is to highlight the opportunity to study for a PhD or EngD at WMG on graduation.

This year the students will be undertaking the following projects:

  • Delamination in sandwich steel panels - simulation and validation during forming and fatigue
  • Process of x-ray computed tomography data from low absorption materials
  • Characterisation of oxide inclusions in steels
  • Crashworthiness of thin walled tubes under axial loading
  • Simulation of adhesive joint performance in structural composites: towards an optimal joint configuration

The following projects were completed by the cohort of 2015:

WIIT Scheme

In 2016 WMG is offering 5 short summer internships for MTech students studying at IIT Kharagpur and IIT Bhubaneswar. Candidates are put forward by the IITs and will attend a 12 week internship here at WMG. The aim of the scheme is to highlight the opportunity to study for a PhD or EngD at WMG on graduation.

This year the students will be undertaking the following projects:

  • Aluminium based in-situ metal matrix composites
  • electrochemical characterisation of ionic liquids for lithium ion batteries
  • Mechanical and microstructural characterizations of warm deep drawn components of AA6082 alloy
  • Characterisation of electron beam welded stainless steel to copper dissimilar joints
  • Friction steel welding of AL and Mg alloys - Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW)

For further information:

Richard Moffatt

Sam Hounsell