ET231: Analysing Written Discourse
Why are some texts easy to read and others not so easy? What makes a piece of writing persuasive? What can you learn about the ideology of an organisation from the texts it produces? In this module you will learn how to analyse the function of written and electronic texts in detail. You will become familiar with a wide range of text-analytical frameworks and techniques, applying them to various types of data, You will be introduced to a range of approaches to theorising the links between texts and the society of which they are a part, so that you can understand and discuss how society influences discourse and vice versa.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Utilise a wide range of discourse analytical frameworks and techniques.
- Be able to critically apply these to a range of discourse data.
- Understand, in depth, a range of approaches to theorising the reciprocal links between discourse and society.
- Be able to use these to analyse and discuss the social context and function of specific examples of discourse data.
Learning Experience
Introduction of core content
Core content will be presented in a blended manner, including lectures and videos with associated tasks.
Supervised practice
We will meet in a weekly 1-hour small-group setting to practice and apply course concepts.
Assignment based on the analysis and discussion of a text (100%)
Preparatory Reading
- Young, L., Fitzgerald, M., & Fitzgerald, S. (2018). The power of language (2nd ed.). Equinox.