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DEAR Centre Collective


The DEAR Centre Collective (DCC) is the steering group that ensures the Director and Deputy Director develop and maintain links with departments and faculties to facilitate exchange of information and communication about the Centre’s activities and opportunities for collaboration. The DCC advises the Director and Deputy Director about potential avenues for collaboration, plans for forthcoming opportunities, discusses and reviews financial targets, agrees any staffing needs, and assists in preparations for University reporting processes.


The DCC is composed of one key staff member representative from each department/unit where substantial relevant research or project work is occurring, with attention paid to diversity across identity characteristics and career stage. The DCC also has 2 student representatives from the DEAR Centre Doctoral & Post Doctoral GroupLink opens in a new window. The Committee includes c.12 members (14 including Director and Deputy Director) and the membership is revisited each academic year in October. The DCC is chaired by the Director, and in the Director’s absence, the Deputy Director.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

  1. To operate in alignment with principles of intersectionality and social inclusion, taking into consideration identity characteristics and other factors such as career stage.
  2. To contribute to the development of DEAR Annual Strategic Priorities and reviewing these priorities regularly.
  3. To promote DEAR at the department, institution and external (including international) levels, including badging DEAR on research project/doctoral and postdoctoral funding applications, project websites, relevant publications. This also includes representing the interests of DEAR on any internal or external committees that members are serving on.
  4. To engage in and advise on collaboration between DEAR and other relevant groups, bodies, networks, centres and organisations, within and externally (including internationally) to Warwick. To support with the integration and recognition of the work of DEAR in relation to University strategic priorities (e.g. Social Sciences Grand Challenge; Research Culture).
  5. To collaborate on funding bids, including identifying and sharing opportunities, guiding/mentoring applications, contributing to applications.
  6. To support with the co-supervision/co-hosting of PGRs, postdoctoral fellow and visiting scholars, including collaborating on bidding for funding for these opportunities. To support the development of PGRs/postdoctoral fellows/visiting scholars.
  7. To contribute to the research culture of DEAR, including contributing to any of the following: events programme, co-hosting conferences, organising summer schools, collective publications, DEAR panels at conferences, and so on.
  8. To support with and feed into policy change initiatives driven by DEAR, including internally and externally.
  9. Where appropriate, to contribute to the development of DEAR’s teaching provision offer, e.g. delivering guest sessions, collaborating on the development of new modules.
  10. To represent DEAR including by attracting new members.
  11. To support with reporting responsibilities to the University.
  12. To review the DEAR budget and to support DEAR by approaching departments and other funding sources to support Centre activities and staffing. To review DEAR financial targets.
  13. To advise on DEAR staffing needs and solutions, including professional development.
  14. To advise on the DEAR Steering Committee and Advisory Board membership.
  15. To advise on and implement the DEAR Communications Strategy.
  16. To review the ToR on an annual basis (first meeting of the academic year).

Meeting guidelines

  1. One meeting per academic term (three per academic year), for at least 1 hour.
  2. Further meetings may be called if there is urgent business.
  3. Quorum - a meeting can only take place if the DEAR Director and/or Deputy Director are present, and if more than 50% of the membership are able to attend


Members of the DCC are displayed on the PeopleLink opens in a new window page, filtering colleagues by selecting the "DEAR Centre Collective" option.