Research Practices as Sites of Research Culture: The barriers to, and enablers of, research identified through creative workshops that support researchers to explore research problems.

What are the project objectives?
The proposed research aims to explore the barriers and constraints experienced by researchers as they conduct their work. It will do this by examining researcher responses during professional development workshops (entitled Creative Methods for Research Thinking and Writing) designed to support reflection on research problems using creative methods, namely collage inquiry and artography. Observations during workshops piloted in 2022-23 indicated that exploring research problems led to discussions about broader issues researchers face, including workload, identity conflicts, discrimination and career anxiety. This suggested that research problems could be considered 'sites of social practice' (Schatzki, 2002) where deeper institutional and cultural issues emerge. The outcomes of the project aim to influence practice in three ways:
- A project report to inform professional development training for researchers: The report will include recommendations for the development of professional training and development for research leaders and managers at Warwick, to support the aspiration of creating enabling and creative research environments for researchers.
- A peer-reviewed journal article to be submitted to ‘Exchanges’ journal: The journal article will share the findings with an emerging meta-research community. It is anticipated that publication will contribute towards the aspiration of the newly constituted International Centre for Research Culture at Warwick to become a leader in research on research culture, and professional development and training for researchers.
- An art exhibition/installation of creative work: There will be an exhibition/installation of creative work produced by workshop participants, and researcher. The exhibition/installation aims to prompt discussion amongst the university community about research culture.
This project was funded by the Enhancing Research Culture Fund and ran from October 2023 to July 2024. |
Who works on the project?
Principal Investigator: Dr Harriet RichmondLink opens in a new window, Leadership & Management Development, University of Warwick