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Student experience

The Student Experience Team: Cheryl and Sally

Introducing the Education Studies Student Experience Team! Cheryl Cane is the Department’s Director of Student Experience and her colleague, Sally Blakeman, is the Student Engagement and Experience Officer. You will see lots of them during the year! Please take a few minutes to watch their welcome video.


There are lots of events that you can attend at Warwick to develop your skills and knowledge. Firstly, you will be invited to a number of sessions specifically for PGR students and delivered by experts from Warwick, including the regular PGR Pitstops. There is also a broad range of sessions which are open to all students in our Education Studies community alumni talks, employability sessions and social events. We will tell you more about this during induction and will give you regular updates throughout the year. If you have not already done so, follow us on Instagram at warwick_education to be sure to hear about everything that is happening.

Opportunities to get involved in the Department of Education Studies and meet people

There are so many ways you can become involved and develop your experience in areas such as leadership and decision-making. Here are just a few of the things you can join:

  • PGR Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC).
  • Education Studies Research Conference organising committee.
  • Education Studies Careers in Education Conference organising committee.
  • Education Studies Panel: students and staff discuss key subjects and work together to introduce new ideas and make positive changes.

Kella, our wellbeing dog

In Education Studies we are very lucky to have Kella the three-year-old Cockapoo who has an important student and staff wellbeing role that she takes very seriously! Kella has been part of the Department since she was a small puppy and can often be seen on campus with her human, the Head of Education Studies, Sarah Dahl. Kella’s a popular member of the team, bringing lots of fun and energy!