Saturday, 23rd of May 2015
CES 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary
Postgraduate Conference 2015
"Crossing Boundaries"
Built by Hafiz Hanif
These are some of the responses received:
Many congratulations to the committee for giving a good impression of Warwick to the academic community #CESPOSTCONF15
— Shailen Popat (@Shailenpopat1) May 23, 2015
Enjoyed the wonderful conference at the University of Warwick today. Thanks for organizing this event. #CESPostConf15
— Mae Zantout (@MaeJayZ) May 23, 2015
Congratulations for all committee! 😃 #cespostconf15 pic.twitter.com/sQfSz1VaOD
— sakinah salleh (@sakinahhijrah) May 23, 2015
#cespostconf15 great research conference at Warwick interdiscipilinarity and wooden taps
— Michaelpaulhammond (@michaelatcov) May 23, 2015
What a fantastic insight into the mind of educational philosopher Prof Luntely. Mostly enjoyed Fodor's paradox #cespostconf15
— Mohammad W. Sandouk (@WaseemSandouk) May 23, 2015
Key Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline:
12th May 2015
Call For Papers
Abstracts for papers are invited from research postgraduates across the university whose research or interests connect with education. This might include research on professional learning; teaching and learning across age groups and contexts; informal community and social participation; the teaching of particular subjects; the experience of learning; learning theories and learning inventories; equity and social exclusion; technology and learning; teaching and learning with second or additional languages and so on.
Presentation slots will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Paper presentations will normally cover one or more of the following:
- Background to your current research
- Theoretical stances in your field: strengths and shortcomings
- Methodological approaches in your field: problems and opportunities
- Challenges in your own research design
- Findings (or predicted findings)
- Implications of your research for your field of study
There is also an option for a poster presentation. Please choose the type of presentation you would like to have in the Abstract Submission page.
Why Attend?
For educational researchers, CES Annual Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference provides the opportunity to:
- network with existing colleagues
- support new colleagues at the start of their careers
- establish the beginnings of new collaborations
- exchange ideas with like-minded colleagues; and sometimes more profitably, with non-like-minded colleagues
- make new links with potential publishers or funders
- learn about research outside your own area and investigate possible connections