Dear Attendees,
Thank you for attending the 4th Centre for Education Studies Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference (2016).We hope that you found the conference enjoyable, informative and thought-provoking. Your presence and enthusiasm helped to make this event a great success and we hope that the connections you made continue to blossom over the next year.
If you are a student at the University of Warwick, your certificates of attendance/ participation will be available for collection by this Friday 27thMay, from office C105. If you are from another institution, then please e-mail us your address and we will post the certificate to you.
Photographs will be available on our website within the next 4 weeks.
Thank you for being part of such a memorable day, and we hope to see you at next year’s conference in May 2017.
Kind regards,
The Conference Committee
4th Centre for Education Studies Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference May 21st 2016
The CES 4th Interdisciplinary PGR conference offers a dynamic environment for PGR students to showcase and discuss their research. The conference is open to research postgraduates at all stages of their programme, from a variety disciplines, and from all Universities, whose research connects with Education in its broadest sense. Any taught or research PG can attend and any PGR can present.
This year’s conference theme is ‘Making a Difference’. We invite you to consider how your research makes a difference- in theory, professional practice, methodology, and from other illuminating perspectives. There will be key note speakers, presentations, poster presentations and round-table discussions. This year several academic researchers will be attending, offering feedback and taking part in the plenary panel (see 'Guest Plenary Panel' below).
PGR students, have the opportunity to present current work and receive feedback in a diverse, constructive and academically rigorous environment, whilst expanding their network and making cross-disciplinary connections. Prizes for best abstract will be awarded on the day.
Key Note Speakers
We are excited to announce this year's keynote speakers are Richard Smith (Centre for Applied Linguistics) and Roxanne Connelly (Department of Sociology) at the University of Warwick. Richard Smith’s work has focused on the history of language teaching and on innovation in language teaching and learning. He will be speaking on 'Teacher-research for Difficult Circumstances'. Roxanne Connelly's work has focused on the sociology of education and use of quantitative methods. She will be speaking on 'Unpacking the Marginalised Mainstream in the Study of Educational Inequalities'.
Guest Plenary Panel
This year there will be several academic researchers attending. They will be viewing presentations, offering feedback and taking part in the end plenary panel, answering questions and reflecting on 'Making a Difference'. We are delighted to announce that the following guests will participate:
Alison Taysum (University of Leicester)
Richard Smith (University of Warwick)
History of language teaching; innovation in language teaching and learning.
Roxanne Connelly (University of Warwick)
Social Stratification; sociology of education and use of quantitative methods.
Michael Hammond (University of Warwick)
Technology and social research.
Elisabeth Arweck (University of Warwick)
Principal Research Fellow, Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU).
Emma Williams (University of Warwick)
Philosophy, education and the development of "thinking" in schools.
Rachel King (University of Warwick)
Warwick Arts Centre, creative learning, drama pedagogy and devising performance.
Details of the event:
Date: 21st May 2016
Venue: Social Sciences Building, University of Warwick
For any enquiries, please email us at: cespgr2016@livewarwickac.onmicrosoft.com
Keynote Speakers
Richard Smith (Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick)
Title: 'Teacher-research for Difficult Circumstances'
Roxanne Connelly (Department of Sociology, University of Warwick)
Title: 'Unpacking the Marginalised Mainstream in the Study of Educational Inequalities'
Alison Taysum (University of Leicester)
International research collaborations and partnerships; improving effective educational leadership; evidence informed innovations.
Michael Hammond (University of Warwick)
Technology and social research.
Elisabeth Arweck (University of Warwick)
Principal Research Fellow, Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU).
Emma Williams (University of Warwick)
Philosophy, education and the development of "thinking" in schools.
Rachel King (University of Warwick)
Warwick Arts Centre, creative learning, drama pedagogy and devising performance.