Presentation Guidelines
- Choose a focus for your presentation to discuss an aspect of your research in depth. This would help to promote more focused debate and feedback from the audience. Speakers are allowed to present for 10 minutes and 10 minutes for Q&A.
- Rule of thumb: each slide takes about 1-2 minutes depending on your speaking style.
- The slides for a presentation should convey ideas, not details, use bullet points and avoid long paragraphs.
- A large font size, clear font (e.g. Arial) and warmer colours should be chosen that are easier to read for those with dyslexia or other reading/learning difficulties.
- The font size and font colour should be in contrast to the background, to help people with visual impairments. Do limit blocks of text and paragraphs, stick to bullet points and images, videos, and audio.
- PowerPoint is optional - you do not need to use PowerPoint. You can use alternatives such as Prezi; or even ditch the technology, and just speak or read. We are open to presentations in a range of formats.
- Please practice your presentation before the day.
- Please keep within the time limit. Aim to finish with a few minutes to spare.
There are many web resources for preparing and delivering academic presentations. The links are listed below:
For any queries regarding the conference, email us at:
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstracts highlight major points of your research and explain why your work is important; what your purpose is, how you are conducting your project, what you are learning, and what you think you may find. Note that the presentation could be based on your literature review, theoretical framework and/or methodology if you are still at an early stage of the process.
- Abstracts must include sufficient information for reviewers to judge the nature and significance of the topic, the adequacy of investigative strategies, the nature of results, and conclusions.
- The abstract should summarise the substantive results of the work and should not merely list topics to be discussed.
- Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (excluding references), formatted in Microsoft Word, single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman
- If your abstract includes scientific notation, other alphabets, bold, italics, or other special characters/symbols, do make sure they appear correctly.
- List all additional co-authors, whether they are or are not presenting, if applicable.
- List additional faculty mentors, if applicable.
- Late submissions will not be considered.