Dr Sarah Amsler
Dr Sarah Amsler is an Associate Professor in Education. Prior to joining the School of Education, she held posts at the University of Lincoln (Education), Aston University (Sociology) and Kingston University (Sociology), and competed my PhD in Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2005. Over twenty-five years, she has worked in a range of educational settings including autonomous education, co-operative education, early years care, museums, non-governmental organisations, popular education projects, elementary schools, teacher education programmes, universities (in Central Asia, Britain and the United States), and transnational educational initiatives promoting systemic social and ecological change.
Dr Sarah Amsler is passionate about understanding the power of critical, dialogical, disruptive, inclusive and ontological pedagogies, with a special interest in practices for community-building, decolonisation intercultural (including inter-epistemic) translation, and uncomfortable levels of critique and transformation - both within the classroom and informal learning contexts.
Dr Sarah Amsler is a member of the Centre for International Education Research in the University of Nottingham School of Education.
She also belongs to a number of international research-practice networks and collectives, including:
The Gesturing towards Decolonial Futures network uses 'three inter-dependent practices (of art, social cartography and pedagogy) to denaturalize colonial frames of reference and material architectures that make up the social context in which knowledge is produced within our current system. These practices aim to enable ways of doing, thinking, and being that are viable but unimaginable within the modern-colonial imaginary.'
The Women on the Verge network works to 'provide embodied and practical critiques of capital, coloniality and patriarchy at a time when the conditions for the reproduction of life on the planet are deteriorating at unimaginable speed and levels. Our critique is not contained by the words we have learned to speak under these conditions, but is attuned with life, affect, commonality, denaturalizing and nature, utopia, storytelling, possibility and prefiguring.'
Dr Sarah Amsler is an affiliate member of the Critical Internationalization Studies, Creativity and Emergent Educational Futures and Decolonizing Teacher Education networks.
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