Ronghui (Kevin) Zhou
I am currently an Early Career Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), and a Thematic Fellow in Institute of Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) at the University of Warwick. I recently passed my PhD viva from the Department of Education Studies at the University of WarwickLink opens in a new window.
M.A. (with Distinction) in Educational Leadership and Management (University of WarwickLink opens in a new window, Coventry, U.K.)
Ph.D. in Education (University of WarwickLink opens in a new window, Coventry, U.K.)
Thesis Title: Revealing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Enactments by School Stakeholders—A Case Study in Two Chinese Primary Schools
My Supervisor: Dr. Nick LeeLink opens in a new window and Dr. Michael WynessLink opens in a new window.
My Research
My doctoral research is jointly funded by the University of Warwick and the China Scholarship Council (CSC). My research topic is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China, particularly within the context of primary education. My research intends to focus on local education stakeholders and how they perceive and interact with each other to implement ESD in primary schools in China.
R.Zhou. (2022). "The Reception of Education for Sustainable Development in China: A Just Transition?", Challenges for Environmental and Sustainability Education Research in Times of Climate Crisis - 15th Invitational Seminar on Environmental & Sustainability Education Research. The Ghent University. Available at:
Mandy Sadan., Dan Smyer Yu., Dan Seng Lawn., David Brown., Ronghui (Kevin) Zhou. (2022). “Rare Earth Elements, Global Inequalities, and the ‘Just Transition’”, The British Academy. Available at:
R. Zhou., N. Abedin., & S. Paramasivam. (2022). "Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge and Sustainability Behaviour: A Study of British and Malaysian Tertiary Students." Asian Journal of University Education, 18(2), pp.430-440.
R. Zhou., & N, Lee. (2022). "The Reception of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China: A Historical Review." Sustainability, 14, 4333.
R, Zhou. (2020). "Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China's Local Primary Schools- A Pilot Study." European Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(4), pp.118-124.
Zhou, Ronghui (Kevin). (2017) "An Analysis of China’s Regional Emissions Trading System: Challenges and Lessons". Bard Center for Environmental Policy. Available at
Conference (*Denote Presenter)
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (June 2023). “How UK Universities Define and Enact Sustainability – A Systematic Review.” HER 2023 | Sustainable Development Goals: Their potential and relevance for higher education policy and reform. Glasgow, UK.
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (September 2022). “An Authoritarian Environmentalist Approach of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China - Success, Challenge, and Future.” Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) Education for Sustainable Development Commission Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (June 2022). “The Reception of Education for Sustainable Development in China: A Just Transition?” The 15th Invitational Seminar on Environmental & Sustainability Education Research, Ghent, Belgium.
Ronghui (Kevin) Zhou, Nur Fadhlina Zainal Abedin*, and Sheela Paramasivam (November 2021). “SDGs Knowledge and Sustainability Behaviour: A Study of United Kingdom and Malaysian Tertiary Students,” The International Conference on University Learning and Teaching, Malaysia (online). Awarded Best Paper of the Conference.
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (June 2021). “Power Dynamics and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Policy in Primary Schools- A Case Study in China,” The 23rd Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics (WICAL), Coventry (online).
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (June 2021). “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Two Primary Schools in China,” The Midlands Graduate School ESRC DTP Annual Conference, Birmingham (online).
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (April 2021). “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China – A Case Study,” The 8th Annual Education Studies Post-Graduate Research Conference, Coventry (online).
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (September 2020). “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China's Local Primary Schools- A Pilot Study,” The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Development 2020, (Rome) online.
Ronghui (Kevin), Zhou* (August 2019). “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in China,” The International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ICEDU), London.