ePortfolio of Adham Jad
Welcome to my ePortfolio
I am Adham Jad, originally from Saudi Arabia, I am currently doing my Ph.D. at University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. I have served more than 10 years within the education sector delivering a variety of social and community related subjects. I also embed the use of advanced technologies to facilitate teaching through engagement, and continually strive to embed excellence within the teaching curricula. I am currently conducting an investigative study on the improved implementation of E-learning within the Higher Education Sector in Saudi Arabia.
BA Umm Al Qura University in Saudi Arabia 1997.
MA in Instructional Technology at California State University, San Bernardino in United States 2016.
Professional Experiences
- Appointed assistant head teacher in secondary school for the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia (2008 to present).
- Teaching experience in the schools of Saudi Arabia from the years 1998 to 2008.
-Preparation and management of multiple television programs on various channels.
During my work in Saudi Arabia’s schools I observed that using technology is very important for the development of education. This has become more recognised when I did my MA degree where I become much aware of instructional technologies and their impact within the education sector. The subjects that specifically caught my attention at California State University, San Bernardino were Technology and Learning, Design and Development of Instructional Materials, Practicum in Educational Technology, New Media and Education, Foundations of e-Learning, Effective Communication in Education, Foundations of Education, and Introduction to Educational Research. I seek to pursue this field to fulfil my ambition of specialising in a highly professional and attractive field. My plans for my career have set this focus at the top of my priorities. When I return to Saudi Arabia, I hope to set a good example for my fellow teachers and present the best education to my students.
My Current Research
Working title:
The Improved Implementation of E-learning within Higher Education Sector in Saudi Arabia.
The research focuses on enhancing the implementation of E-learning within the Higher Education Sector in Saudi Arabia. In order to achieve this, the research will attempt to provide a holistic view of the infrastructure requirements for E-learning. This requires going beyond the technological side, to consider policies, standards, pedagogies, etc. at both micro and macro levels. Therefore, within the context research, E-learning will be viewed as technology-assisted process in order to recognise the significance of all processes (both at micro and macro levels) that are required for an improved implementation of E-learning within the HE sector in Saudi Arabia