ePortfolio of Paul Martin
I am a part time doctoral researcher in the Education Studies Department at the University of Warwick. My doctoral research concerns an examination of the different factors which affect the likelihood of young people in England progressing into Higher Education and will also consider the extent to which Widening Participation outreach programmes increase the likihood of progression into Higher Education.
In addition to this I work in the Higher Education sector as the Project Manager of Advancing Access - an initiative of the 24 Russell Group universities which aims to help teachers and careers advisers to support more students from disadvantaged background to progress to competitive universities. I carry out this role at the University of Nottingham.
Prior to working in Higher Education I worked as a secondary school mathematics teacher. I hold a BSc in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Leeds and a PGCE in secondary mathematics from the University of Nottingham.
Research Interests
- Widening Participation in Higher Education
- Social mobility
- Quantitative methods
Emma Smith
Tom Perry
Martin, P. (2021) Exploring the relationship between the characteristics of English schools and the progression rates of their pupils to degree-level study. Educational Review. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2021.1978395

Paul Martin
paul dot e dot martin at warwick dot ac dot uk